War of the elements

Kerby Kuek

Ancient Chinese astrology tells us to take note of these dates as times of the most turbulence: February 25 and 26 and March 12 and 13. Here's why:
On February 25 and 26, there will be a rare occurrence of Jupiter, Venus and the moon forming a triangle in the sky. This fantastic view can be seen to the west of our skyline.

Jupiter is Tai Sui, or the grand commander of the year.

In accordance with the five-element theory, it is Wood while Venus is Metal - so this is a dangerous case of Metal obstructing Wood, which translates into turbulence.

This gets worse on March 12 and 13 as Venus and Jupiter are closer to each other. Venus is also symbol for war and, as it is offending Grand Duke Jupiter, this implies uneasiness in the west sector - wars are going to be inevitable so make sure you buckle up for the ride.

The stock markets will be volatile - but this could mean good bargains for a few. These could be the worst months in 2012 but they will soon be over and you will regret if you did not take any action.

Like I mentioned previously in my columns, 2012 is not going to be the end of the world. On the contrary, it is going to be an exceptional year for the lucky few.

For those who dare to take risks, this is going to be a good chance for bargain hunting.

If you make it, congratulations and if you do not, do not blame me, as this is the "path" you have chosen as energies are channeled and filtered through your thinking and action.

In layman's terms, this is your own luck.

With instability in Iran, Syria, Afghanistan and Tibet, it is only wise for us to avoid traveling to these places.

Thought of the week: Study the past if you want to define the future - Confucius.

Kerby Kuek has published five books on fung shui. He specializes in yin and yang fung shui, I-Ching, life analysis and astrology.

Website: www.misterfengshui.com


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