Tips and Hints in Getting Personal Horoscope Readings

Horoscopes, along with astrology, has always been a fascination of human kind. With the advent of mass media giving out free horoscopes, more and more people have become intrigue and interested in getting their own daily horoscope. More so, now with the advent of the internet and the integration of internet innovations in getting horoscope readings, an increasing number of individuals have become fascinated and are reading their personal horoscope readings online.

A personal horoscope reading is a dynamic and interactive process. It is a process of self-knowing and self-empowering, with the astrologer acting as a go-between the person and the Universe, the universal knowledge database. Based on the information extracted from the personal horoscope, the personal astrologer will be able to provide insight on the client's questions and issues.

However, along with the increasing number of people getting their personal horoscopes come the increasing number of personal astrologers, either fake or real. It has now become quite difficult to determine who is real or not.

Tips and Hints in Getting Horoscope Reading from a Real Astrologer

So how can you determine a real personal astrologer?

Recommendations from friends or families who had previous contact or know of any personal astrologer simply speaking word of mouth! Recommendations from friends and family are one of the best methods in finding a reliable and trustworthy astrologer.

Local astrological association. Making inquiries at your local astrological association is another option. This association usually has a list of experienced, qualified and ethical astrologers that are available in your area.

Asks these questions. In making your inquiries, you may ask these questions from your potential astrologer:

  • What type of astrology you specialize in? This could be spiritual, psychological, past life, etc.
  • Did they make a clear explanation of the information? Did they use non-technical jargon's that enable you to understand the reading?
  • Are they charging by the hour or by a set fee?
  • What are the things could you expect when you arrive? Are you required to bring along a blank audio tape?
  • How long have they been working in the field?
  • What type of payment do they accept?
  • Could they provide references?
  • Are they holding any formal qualification? If not, where did they learn about astrology? Do they keep up to date with new astrological techniques?
  • Do they allow brief meet-ups so you can get a feel for your potential relationship?
  • Are they members of a professional astrological association?

Take note if they use heavily technical language that you cannot understand. Ask them as what's the point in getting a reading if you can't understand what they are talking about.

Watch out for these things: astrologers who:

  • tells you they can pick winning lotto numbers
  • don't listen to you
  • makes a third person's chart without that person's permission
  • discusses other client's reading in a derogatory fashion or discusses others' personal issues
  • makes decisions for you or just tells you what to do
  • you don't feel comfortable with it is important to feel comfortable and understand your personal astrologer

If they do these, do not engage their services.


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