Horoscope - February 18 through February 26 - Examiner

Horoscope for Saturday, February 18, 2012
We have a beautiful aspect for getting things done today. It's Sun trine Saturn. We can heft our responsibilities with ease and move ahead with unusual endurance. The Moon is in Capricorn, the sign ruled by Saturn, which will boost the influence of the Sun/Saturn angle. With the Moon in Capricorn, we are determined to get things done in a responsible way. The symbol of Capricorn is the mountain goat, who reaches the peak by making sure that each step that he takes is going to bear his weight. So, we move ahead today, first with caution and then with confidence.

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Horoscope for Sunday, February 19, 2012
The Sun has entered Pisces for a month's stay! Pisces is generous, kind, intuitive, and artistic. People will embody more of those characteristics with the Sun in that sign. Since Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac, its reaches no bounds. The excitement that we felt while the Sun was in Aquarius is dispersed by the vastness of Pisces. We'll more readily access our higher minds and spirits during the coming month. Today, we feel sensitive, insightful, and have a heightened spiritual awareness. Realize that any flashes of insight or dreams that we may have could be meaningful to our lives' path.

click here for:  Your Sun Sign (by Shooting Star Psychic) 


Horoscope for Monday, February 20, 2012
Today, Jupiter is at angle to the asteroid, Chiron. We'll feel inspired to find solutions that will raise our self-esteem to higher heights. This will be enhanced by the Sun's entrance yesterday into the sign Pisces. With this we strive to live what we perceive to be the ideal life. The Moon in Aquarius promotes technology, adventure, excitement, freedom, and spiritual fulfillment. We'll want to take charge of what we want to do and where we want to go, and should be prepared for unexpected occurrences and enticing changes in direction.

 click here for:  The influence of the asteroid Chiron  (by Shooting Star Psychic)  

Horoscope for Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Today we want to break away from molds and experience the freedoms of perception and spirituality. The Moon, in Pisces with the Sun, forming a NEW MOON, is going to enhance this awareness. We should take action to focus ourselves on our own paths, (not the ones someone else has chosen for us!) We might also pay attention to our thoughts and dreams throughout this couple of days of the New Moon, as they will direct us for the next month. Today we crave adventure and have to stave off self indulgence and escapism, so that we don't worry about not getting everything done.

click here for:  Your second most powerful personal sign – Your Moon Sign  (by Shooting Star Psychic)   

Horoscope for Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Both the Sun and Mercury will be passing by stars, adding their guiding atmosphere to the day. If our ideas are noble, yet innovative, we will succeed in reaching our goals. The forces of nature may be newsworthy today. People will be more easily swayed today, adapting to situations as they arise, because most of the planets are in signs that promote flexibility. We should try to take action to jockey ourselves into the best position to win! Satisfaction and fulfillment are imminent, if we move in the correct direction. It's a day of motion and alignment for achievements.

click here for:  More about Mercury and communication  (see Astrological Anatomy of a Rock Band, by Shooting Star Psychic) 

Horoscope for Thursday, February 23, 2012
Life may feel like one long daydream today. We will be distracted from our goals because the Moon will be void-of-course for much of the day. The Moon will free-float in Pisces, the sign that nourishes our higher minds. Insights and other forms of awareness may come to us through daydreams, music or art. But, with a transit between Mercury and Venus people become egocentric and self-indulgent. Not only that, but Mercury will oppose Mars in the sky today causing people to act before they think things through. It will be a day to refresh our spirituality without trying to stick to a routine or to keep appointments and schedules.

click here for:  When to get things done - The void-of-course Moon schedule (Free, courtesy of Shooting Star Psychic)     

Horoscope for Friday, February 24, 2012
The Sun is conjunct the asteroid, Chiron today. Normally a day of recovery would be ours for the taking under this transit as we make strides to restore ourselves with anything that may have been lacking in our lives. But, the Moon will be in Aries today, and we may not want to waste the time it might take to feel the compassion necessary to delve into restoration. But, we may find that it is easier for us to express ourselves intellectually today as a star assists the Sun's transit through the sky.

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Horoscope for Saturday, February 25, 2012
The Sun and Jupiter are making a beautiful angle to each other today that will offer us opportunities for growth and self fulfillment. We should enjoy a high level of energy and vitality. Situations will seem to hold great significance today. The Moon remains in the sign Aries today, giving us a spurt of energy and lots of enthusiasm! Aries is the first sign of the zodiac – the supreme initiator! This Moon position gives us drive and momentum for getting things done. It will furnish us with the motivation to engage our power to overcome anything that might have been blocking us.

click here for:  Hot Stuff for Cool People 

Horoscope for Sunday, February 26, 2012
There are no new major planetary aspects to color the atmosphere of our day. Nonetheless, today will be an inspiring day as the Moon will pass by Jupiter. The Moon directs our daily initiative and cravings, while Jupiter stirs us to expand our lives. After a short void-of-course period the Moon will be entering Taurus, the sign that creates the highest level of comfort and luxury, we will look to enhance our surroundings and fill our spirits with good feelings. As long as we can keep our emotions positive, happiness can be quite contagious!

click here to:  Do something for yourself today - Learn to play guitar!   

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Sagittarius and Pisces: Are You Sure About This Pisces and Sagittarius?

Sagittarius and Pisces: compatibilityandlove.com Discover what Sagittarius and Pisces have in store for themselves and their relationship when they try to get it together. Is this a compatible love match or a bridge too far? www.youtube.com

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