Moonit offers alternative to other online dating sites - Danbury News-Times

Moonit, a New York City-based relationship compatibility and social networking website, facilitates potential romantic liaisons by using astrology to determine whether two people are compatible for a relationship.

In other words, it lets users know "who you should date, who you should hang out with, and who you should avoid like the plague," the website advertises.

Recently launched as a free iPhone application in addition to the website, Moonit is an icebreaker for those looking for a way to open a conversation, or who are a little shy.

"It connects people for flirting and friendship based on astrology," said Dana Kanze, Moonit's co-founder and chief executive officer. "We found that it's actually got universal appeal."

On Moonit, users can scan others' profiles, calculate their compatibility in percentages -- 98 percent compatibility earns the tag "We Hear Wedding Bells" -- before choosing to send a friend request or virtually flirt with the person.

"People love it," said Mason Sexton, president and co-founder. "They love the fact that we've provided this platform to connect with people."

The site has nearly 1.5 million mobile, web and email users, and almost 100,000 iPhone app downloads. This week, Moonit plans to unveil a new geolocation feature that allows people to connect with other users in their geographic area. However, distance hasn't deterred many from connecting with others outside their regions. Just under 50 percent of Moonit users are in the United Kingdom and Western Europe and chat frequently with their counterparts in the United States and Canada.

"We definitely see tons of that happening, where people are about to get on a plane," Kanze said.

And participants don't need to have a deep belief in horoscopes or star signs, Sexton said.

"We're happy on both fronts," he said. "So, at the end of the day, it's about connecting."

Moonit, launched in 2009, is geared mostly toward "the Facebook generation," the 13- to 24-year-old demographic that might normally steers clear of more traditional dating websites, company founders said. Moonit markets itself as "more hip" than typical astrology sites.

"It's kind of an easy way to put yourself out there," Kanze said. "It's a very light, soft way to hit on someone, and for that reason we find people sending hundreds of messages a day. There's not that huge pressure."

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David Rowan Astrology - Relationship Astrology for couples ...

This short video outlines the principles of an astrological techniques called Synastry; the direct comparison of two individual birth charts and the dynamics of their relational alchemy ...

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