Can’t Get Away from Polarity

Polarities Matter

Polarities Matter













Can't think of one without the other
Can't have Pisces without talking about Virgo

If Aries is me, I have to think of you
And you is Libra

If  Taurus is the sensory, we have to think of Scorpio
Of the psychological too

If Gemini is information
We have to think of principals, of Sagittarius

The home is in Cancer, but we have to go out into the world
of Capricorn to earn that bread

Your selfhood is aglow in Leo
But the group matters, too, teaches Aquarius

Pisces might be all about the soul
But your body is matter, politely points out Virgo.

They told us that the cardinal T-Square would be tough. It was. We know this because we lived through 2010 and 2011. But I quite like 2012. It could be Neptune's ingress into Pisces: surrender to a higher power. Or it could be just psychological exhaustion: Yeah, I'm beat and I'm lying here, face down in the carpet. I accept, I accept. Funny thing about acceptance, it makes happiness sneak around and sit in your lap again. I don't mean giving up on things without a fight. I mean an intelligent surrender to forces bigger than you, to reality, to what cannot be changed.

So, I like this Neptune ingress into the sign of the Fish. One of its meanings could be recognizing higher powers that are around us. A divine design if you will. And connecting to it. I think that's important. It gives meaning to suffering, patience to endurance and it is the triumph of sacrifice. Neptune rules addiction and I heard Steven Forrest say in a recorded lecture that addiction is born because of a feeling of separateness. It's a wanting to connect, a longing for the divine home where you will always be safe, always loved.

You can see how dangerous this can become with the Neptune ingress. These are waters we have to navigate carefully. Prayer, but prayer backed up by positive action. Sacrifice, but not masochism. Mediation, incense, music but not at the cost of the body. While you're feeling your soul, don't neglect your body. Stretch those muscles, eat healthy food, drink water and moisturize your skin. A priest who brings peace to a troubled soul is as important as the man who does your nails or massages your back. All actions are divine. The divinity is not in the act, it is in you, in what you invest in the act.

Today is a very special day because it is after 151 years that Sun and Neptune are conjunct in Pisces again. This vibe is made stronger by the Pisces New Moon on 22 February, two degrees away from Neptune. So dive into it and explore your soul. Listen to chanting or chant, if that's your thing. Or to love songs, to gazals, anything that helps your transcend the humdrum and makes your feel part of something bigger and numinous. And to honor the polarity: give a massage to someone who trusts you so that they can surrender and let go and feel deep relaxation; a double healing. And maybe pick up a dust rag and clean your apartment as your chant because cleanliness is next to Godliness. God within, God without.

I hope you enjoy this vibe as much as I am. It's a special sign Pisces: the only one that lives entirely in water. I've always remembered what Linda Goodman says: The Fish can't breathe air…But you are not a fish, you're human and as you submerge yourself into deep waters of the soul, do remember to come up for air now and then.

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Horoscopes & "Feng Shui" by Annabel Burton Astrologer

Video Horoscopes for week beginning 7thJune, based on your Star Sign. Guidance to success, by Professional Astrologer Annabel Burton. This is the free short public film, which can be seen with all relevant links at www.AnnabelBurton.TV Filmed on location in all weathers in the countryside wherever we are! "Feng Shui" is a recurring cycle of the heavens, seasons and natural world. The 12 In-depth horoscopes are available to members of Astrological Consultations based on your individual chart and "Feng Shui" TV features are the major themes of membership. Questions about your life, based on your individual chart can be asked at

Video Rating: 5 / 5


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