Daily Horoscope - Winnipeg Free Press


MOON ALERT We have the all clear today to shop and make important decisions. The moon is in Libra.

ARIES (March 21-April 19)

Perhaps a buildup of tension is why you feel so powerfully emotional when dealing with partners and close friends today. But, hey -- do not lose your cool! What's the point? Angry meltdowns only make everyone miserable, including you.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20)

You won't win over others if you're obsessed about getting your way at work today. It just won't fly. Others might be obsessed about their health. Well, this is a different situation. We do obsess about our health because it's so important.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20)

Parents will have to be patient and gentle with children because this is the classic day for kids to have a meltdown. Not only your kids; romantic partners will have meltdowns, too! People feel passionately intense about everything today. (Gulp.)

CANCER (June 21-July 22)

Do whatever you can to promote peace and harmony at home and within the family. No doubt at some point today, somebody will lose it. Discussions with a family member who is "powerful" might be challenging today. ("Powerful" relatives always are.)

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22)

Resist the urge to blow up at someone today -- naturally, it will be in a dramatic fashion! Emotional outbursts are classic today, and for your sign, they could occur with siblings, neighbours or daily contacts. Why do this to yourself or others? Keep things light.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Avoid quarrels and disputes about money and possessions today. Why even go there? Instead of resolving things, you only give someone an opportunity (and this someone could be you) to have a little hissy fit. Not attractive or endearing to anyone! (If you do end up with egg on your face, ketchup helps.)

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Today, the moon is in your sign, having a harsh connection with big daddy Pluto. And this definitely encourages passionate, compulsive/obsessive behaviour. You can't help giving into certain impulses. Well, this could certainly get you into trouble, couldn't it? Watch your step.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Even if you are on the sidelines today, you're casting a critical eye on everyone around you. You're watching and waiting. You sense that there is emotional turmoil in the year and there is. Try to steer clear of petty situations where people manipulate each other through guilt or jealousy. (Yikes!)

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Keep your shirt on today when talking to others, especially in group situations. (Yes, this can be tough when you have to get something off your chest.) Do not wade into a conversation convinced that you have all the answers. You'll be surprised at how quickly others might turn against you. Tread carefully today.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

If you don't agree with authority figures today (parents, bosses, teachers, VIPs or the police) don't say so. Keep quiet about your feelings. If you do speak up, it will only get you in trouble. (My favourite yoga pose is pulling my foot out of my mouth.)

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Definitely avoid intense conversations about touchy subjects like politics, religion or racial issues. This is an extremely poor day to touch on these subjects because people feel quite volatile even if you just talk about the weather! Forewarned is forearmed.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20)

This is not a good day to discuss how to share or divide something or deal with an inheritance, insurance matters or any kind of jointly-held property. People are stingy, territorial and argumentative. Does this sound like an ideal day for this sort of thing? Exactly.


Twilight actor Taylor Lautner (1992) shares your birthday. You appear casual, laid-back and easy-going. Nevertheless, you're a hard worker! You work well with others and you enjoy good friendships. It interests you to improve your daily surroundings, whether personally, locally or globally. Very likely, something you've been involved in for about nine years will diminish or end this year, to make room for something new to enter your life.


Republished from the Winnipeg Free Press print edition February 11, 2012 E2

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Cancer September 2011 Horoscope from astrolada.com

To find out your Ascendant go to: www.astrolada.com Tofind out you Moon sign go to: www.astrolada.com Based in London for over ten years, Lada has an extensive experience providing personal consulting services to some of UK and Europe`s trendsetters. Through the quality of her readings she has won over the trust of some of our more demanding clients including contemporary celebrities and corporations. She provides one-to-one online, phone and live consultations for any personal or professional issues. If you have a burning question you can call or e-mail Lada for a quick and clear answer which she will provide within the hour starting at 20 GBP. For an extensive personal horoscope outlining one's life path, talents and future trends the prices start at 80 GBP. Lada's personal website: www.astrolada.com

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