Progressed Sun - what it is and how

HOW TO FIND YOUR PROGRESSED SUNOn this blog there are several examples of the effect of changing sun signs that you can find by clicking on the label 'changing sun sign'. If you don't have the means to calculate a chart, go to to find the degree of your Sun. Every sign has 30 degrees. If your Sun was in the 15th degree at birth (that is when you are born around the 7th of the month), it will take the progressed Sun about 15, 45 and 75 years to move into the next sign. When you were born on the 23rd of the month you will be about 30, 60 and 90 when your progressed Sun sign changes. 

Also visit: about progressed Sun aspect where you find this:

The progressed Sun is the position of the sun x day after birth for x year after birth. The new position of the sun creates new aspects (distances with a meaning) with Moon and planets in the natal and progressed chart. Those aspects of the progressed Sun create a new situation or state of mind. 

And still, that is too simple if you want an exact date for the progressed Sun to change sign or for calculating an aspect between progressed Sun and natal or progressed positions in the chart. If you want to do it by hand (and who wants that?!:) you use the time of birth and an ephemeris. Every (about) 4 minutes later than ephemeris time (noon or midnight) is (about) a day earlier in real time. So if you were born at 1.00 a.m. the notification in the ephemeris for your day of birth is meant for your day of birth minus 15 days. And if you were born at 23h55 you'd better use the position of the next day (in a midnight ephemeris, I mean) and take those positons for you day of birth + one. Are you still around?:) I am beginning to long for a computer program! 

Now what do you do with this new day-month found for Greenwich Time and ephemeris time? This new date enables you to quickly calculate the next aspect by using the aspect table in the ephemeris. For example, when there is an aspect on your day of birth at 2:30, then it takes about 37 days after the new found ephemeris-date or table time to complete that aspect (2.5 x 60 = 150 /4). Computers and machines can help you to find the exact moment. And I am happy with computer calculating programs and the free charts provided on the internet, because I know by experience what it takes to calculate by hand! 

Found a pdf about calculating secondary progressions by Robert P. Blaschke. 

You can also go to for more about Progressions! Or buy a book about calculating charts. It is good to know what a chart is. Another word for these kind of progressions: 'secondary progression. The movement of the Sun, Moon and planets i! n one da y provides a preview of the developments in one year. 

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