The reflection of difficulties

In times of trouble the transits and progressions are reflecting the situation. The chart of Princess Mabel (the wife of Prince Friso, who is in hospital in serious condition and still being kept asleep) is no exception. I count over 18 transits and progressions in this period, as I already mentioned on my site Astromarkt (in Dutch, just translate using the bar...), including those with asteroids like Orcus and Pholus. Her progressed Sun is now conjunct her husband's natal Sun. Transits with his natal Sun are also transits with her Progressed Sun. This sort of relates her life experience to his, stronger than ever. 

The main aspects are:
- Transit Pluto inconjunct Ascendant
- Transit Neptune inconjunct progressed Sun
- Transit Neptune opposition progressed Mars
- Transit Saturn almost conjunct progressed Moon
- Transit Uranus conjunct natal Moon

When there are more than 2 difficult transits you may expect difficulties. Inconjunctions are sometimes shocking. Neptune is reflecting the misty situation. There are a lot of indications for the present, unhappy times.

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Horoscopes & Astrology by Annabel Burton Astrologer

Video Horoscopes for week beginning 31stMay, based on your Star Sign. Guidance to success, by Professional Astrologer Annabel Burton. This is the free short public film, which can be seen with all relevant links at www.AnnabelBurton.TV Filmed on location in all weathers in the countryside wherever we are! Astrology is a recurring cycle of the heavens, seasons and natural world. The 12 In-depth horoscopes are available to members of Astrological Consultations based on your individual chart and Astrology TV features are the major themes of membership. Questions about your life, based on your individual chart can be asked at

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