The Beginning of Premium Astrology
by the justified sinner Article by Michael Jack
In a population of 7 billion all around the world not everyone believes in what we call the astrology, horoscope or psychic forecasts. Some are of the opinion that a huge population could not be divided into mere twelve sun-signs and if so not everyone could have the same fate, while others are strong believers and follow each day ritual as instructed by their astrologers. Before we even argue about should we or should we not believe in astrology let us know what it actually is. Astrology originated in the Indo-European culture somewhere in the 3rd millennium, defined as a scientific study of astronomical bodies such as the sun, moon, stars and other planets; their movements, positions and how they affect the individuals and events on earth. Based on the time of a child's birth and the position of stars at that point of time his horoscope is made and all h...