Understanding The Benefits Of Feng Shui

Article by Patricia Taylor

Many homeowners are toying with the idea of decorating their home in the Feng Shui style. They have basic misconceptions of the true Feng Shui style based on companies that were selling books, or a particular service.

The reality of Feng Shui is that is was used in all homes, poor and rich. Home decorators do not need to hire someone to create a true Feng Shui room. The first step to bringing the benefits of Feng Shui to your home is to understand exactly what it is.

Feng means "wind," and shui means "water" (pronounced fung-shway). In the Chinese culture, a gentle wind and smooth water is associated with having plenty and being healthy. As apposed to a harsh wind and stagnant water that are linked to famine and disease.

This is important to understand, because a few mistakes can actually cause you to create a negative atmosphere in a room. Good feng-shui means good livelihood and fortune. Bad feng-shui means hardship and misfortune.

However, from a pragmatic point of view, the colors and textures in the good style are relaxing and reduce stress. This is the most important benefit in our stressful culture. At least 80% of all our diseases are stress related, so the primary benefit of feng-shui is to reduce stress and promote health.

Feng-shui is not a superstitious set of decorating rules. It is the science of understanding the emotional impact the different forces of nature have on us, and using these to design houses and workplaces which create harmony instead of stress.

Feng-shui is loosely based in Chinese medicine.

There is a standardized body of knowledge that takes years of formal training to master. However, the home decorator can use this decorating style in their own home with success, because they are responding to their personal needs and emotions.

The master is trained to deal with different environments and people, the home decorator only needs to worry about their own environment.

Feng-shui is divided into two branches: t! he Landf orm (ti-li) branch and the Building Characteristics (chai-yun) branch. The Landform Classification branch focuses on the flow of energy over, around, and through objects and the connection between that energy and nearby objects.

The Building Characteristics branch focuses on the flow of energy inside a building and how it affects people.

Before starting to decorate your home, it is wise to take the time to study both branches. But, it is also important to determine what you need from the room. Do you sleep too much? Do you need to be energized? Then you will use different elements than someone who needs to relax and detoxify their system of stress, anger, and aggression.

The best thing about Feng-shui is that it can be incorporated into the most sophisticated and elegant home decorating style as easily as it is utilized in an open concept, modern home. The only thing limiting the home is the decorator's imagination and willingness to learn how to turn their home into a healthy environment.

About the Author

Patricia Taylor advises on home furnishings and decor from her web site at http://www.diningroomsetshere.com. She invites you to get her FREE home decorating guide here http://www.wallfountainshere.com

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