horoscope friday dec 30 - Winnipeg Free Press

Winnipeg Free Press - PRINT EDITION

By: Staff Writer

Posted: 12/30/2011 7:25 AM | Comments: (including replies)

MOON ALERT: Caution! Avoid shopping or making important decisions after 7:30 a.m. for the rest of the day. It's a goofy day and the moon is in Pisces.

ARIES (March 21-April 19)

You might feel vaguely disgruntled about something today, especially if it is work related. (Grrr.) Travel plans and anything to do with medicine, the law, publishing and the media might be glitched or they could hit a wall today. Not to worry because this is temporary. Relax.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20)

Conflicts about cash flow, shared property, taxes, debt, insurance matters or inheritances could arise today. These conflicts might even be job related. Whatever the case, they won't make you feel better, will they? And they sure won't improve your relationships with others, either. Think about it.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20)

Today requires diplomacy and tolerance to keep the peace at home. It's easy for domestic squabbles to break out, especially with parents. But this will only make everyone miserable, right? (Including you.) Do your best to keep things mellow; others will be grateful.

CANCER (June 21-July 22)

This is a slightly accident-prone day for your sign so slow down and take it easy. The only reason it's accident prone is because you could be distracted due to feelings of irritation or impatience with someone or something. If you stay frosty, everything will be cool. (That's not a weather joke.)

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22)

Disagreements about who is responsible for children or how to share something or spend a limited amount of money might arise today. Cash-flow issues are conflicted, especially if they relate to social events and the cost of having fun. That's the no fun part of fun -- the cost.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Relations with partners and close friends are dicey today. Let's face it, conflicts have arisen all too easily lately, haven't they? When fiery Mars is in your sign, it's easy to be impatient with others. Consider today an opportunity to practise patience. Practice makes perfect.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Be patient with co-workers, customers and anyone related to your work today because you won't feel patient. Quite the opposite! You might reach the end of your tether with loved ones. Suggest getting a longer tether (if you want to stay together a longer tether helps.)

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Oh dear, romance is rocky today. In fact, many social situations could turn slightly sour because of missed feelings or tiny squabbles. The same difficulties will plague sports events and your dealings with children. Looks like you have to just suck it up.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Friction at home or with family members is highly likely today but fortunately, it's probably small stuff. Don't get your belly in a rash over anything. Instead, focus on career, job and money matters because that's where it's at for you right now.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Be patient with siblings, relatives and neighbours today because little squabbles can ruin your day or someone else's. Why even go there? In fact, these little irritations could make you accident-prone. Well, you definitely don't want to go there! Chill out.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Squabbles about possessions or financial matters are likely today. They may be petty and you might be irritated with yourself for being involved but you can't help it! (Easy to fall into this, isn't it?) That's because money is so countable and accountable.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20)

Where have all the flowers gone? All of yesterday's sweetness and light seems to have disappeared. Today people are argumentative and bossy! Not you, of course. (Or do you think I'm lying to make you feel good? I've been known to do this.)


Poet, novelist Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936) shares your birthday. Above all, you're a hard-working realist. You know what you want and you go after it. You're an excellent problem solver and very organized because you hate mess and chaos. You like to work on your own, independent of authority figures. People view you as highly capable. In the year ahead, partnerships and close friendships will be your primary focus.


Republished from the Winnipeg Free Press print edition December 30, 2011 D6

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