Numerology And Numerology Readings
Article by Robert Wilson
Numerology, as a method of ancient knowledge, has been known to mankind since historic times.Modern day numerology is known to contain teachings of many different masters and cultures, including Pythagoras' from ancient Greece, the Indian Vedas, the kabbalah system and many others.The numerology principle bases on a claim that entire universe is built on mathematical patterns, and teaches us, that all things can be expressed with their corresponding numbers.Anyhow, various beliefs and forms of numerology and numerology readings survived to this day, and play their part in affecting people's lives on an incredibly large scale.
The basics of numerology explain, that no number is more significant than any other.The difference between them is the way the numbers affect and influence situations, and work differently through different bodies, each affecting reality according to its own form of action.We can try to understand them, but have no right to judge them or try to categorize them.The main idea behind the ideology is that base numbers ranging from 1 - 9 correspond to the nine planets in our solar system, and that everything that exists on a material plane is somehow connected to these planets and the prime numbers.
Numerology is best explained as a connection between microcosmos and macrocosmos.A numerologist, being aware of the works of energy, regards planets as being embodied in human form, and continues to perceive the universe as a kind of cosmic game.Those who do not allow themselves to freely and open-mindedly realize the correlations and relationships between energies, astral and ethereal body, cannot be a part of the game.They comprehend planets as an external object in the space, and do not believe that as such, they affect their mental and physical existence on the daily basis of their lives. Learning numerology is not like learning a movie scenario; in order to properly learn and also understand numerology, one needs to devote a large portion of their time to practice,..A! great d eal of patience is required as well.Unlike astrology,numerology does not require the use of exact mathematical calculations to explain its meanings, instead it relies on a small amount of information to pass it's messages.For example, a numerologist would need to know only a day of the month the person is born on, a numerical value of a person's name as well as surname and the complete date of birth.
There are much secrets to be unveiled by this ancient knowledge... Numerology is not a perfect science, its just one of branches explaining the fabric of the world that we live in and the way it influences every bit of our reality.
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