Article by Sai Grafio


Remember the ditty, "Who dat who says who dat everytime I say who dat." We are the world, the universe and God doing all the self referencing. Who looks through the Sun, the flower and see all of creation; beloved ones, it is you taking in the entire universe in, drawing it all in for the experience. Who is looking through the eye of the Vesica Pisces, giving birth to your self through the cosmic yoni? As the primordial monad or circle with the bindu at the centre, you begin to look at your self and envision another self. You look at the other and the two circles begets the child who comes out of the womb; a cosmo-genesis of complete auto-referencing. Here is the RSVP invitation to extend our self to other partners of the Self. "I am another you." The Hunab Ku (Cosmic Womb) extends itself via umbilicus throughout creation; through vesica pisces stargates to give birth to ever new higher versions of divine templates. You are your own personal mandala or stargate. Out of the mother comes many geometric Yantras or forms of creation. Circles overlapping, circles, wheels within wheels, precession of the equinoxes bringing us to an ever tightening gyre of timewave zero. Throughout time you weave the fabric of the universe with your creativity, your consciousness and multidimensionality. You start from the void, dip into the electromagnetic and step back in. The physical world intersects with the spiritual world an you are the Illuminatus Observor. Throuhout histories there are those avatars that come to the earth saying that they are God. Sathya Sai Baba tells us that it won't be until his next incarnation as Prema Sai that each of us will come to know that we are God; "love all, serve all; each is all." "All that is" wants to know itself as a Self and does so through movement and rest. Zero is the rest state and movement is frequency or movement. Hunab ku is Movement and measure. The human ear can hear 30 to 16,000 vibrations per second; between vibrations is re! st. At r est or zero, God is nothing or That; vibrating God is constantly becoming, morphing, becoming, being what he will be but still no definite thing. Like the Tao, God cannot be put in a picture frame and captured. The Buddhist recognize a Self in a non-self (Doctrine of Annata) All we are is ever becoming, having no permanent Self, but exist as the Self of all. Om is the frequency that creates All. In Hebrew, it is TOHU VA VOHU. You are the cosmic mandala and the flame that is not consumed but sets the whole world on fire. "Eheye asher eheye" or I am becoming what I am becoming. In the Nag Hamadi scriptures, Jesus tells his disciples that the sign of the father is within them. When they ask what is the sign that is within them, he says, tell them movement and rest. One needs to look no further than the works of that seminal genius Walter Russell who went into cosmic consciousness every seven years of his life. In his text on the Secret of Light he explains that God is movement and rest. Do not take anyone's word for it; ponder on your own divinity. Atma Vichara is a valid way to do this; by asking your self constantly, "Who am I", you will resonate with "I am He" or Tat Twam Asi. Ponder on this, ponder on That; you will come full circle which is where it has always resided in the first place-a resounding, you; an Om machine.

About the Author

Writer, poet, astrologer, researcer and new age thinker

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