The Beginning of Premium Astrology

Article by Michael Jack

In a population of 7 billion all around the world not everyone believes in what we call the astrology, horoscope or psychic forecasts. Some are of the opinion that a huge population could not be divided into mere twelve sun-signs and if so not everyone could have the same fate, while others are strong believers and follow each day ritual as instructed by their astrologers. Before we even argue about should we or should we not believe in astrology let us know what it actually is.

Astrology originated in the Indo-European culture somewhere in the 3rd millennium, defined as a scientific study of astronomical bodies such as the sun, moon, stars and other planets; their movements, positions and how they affect the individuals and events on earth. Based on the time of a child's birth and the position of stars at that point of time his horoscope is made and all his future forecasts made as and when the heavenly bodies change their place. Though astrology existed in the early times, it was not as developed and a lot of changes and developments were made time and again to the original study to give the face it looks like today.

Astrology is a complicated science which needs to be studied, understood and practised for years to reach the desired perfection in the field. Not everyone can master this science and therefore like professional doctors and engineers, astrologers too have market for themselves. Kings, politicians and countries in the earlier times had dedicated astrologers appointed to forecast future before any important event, these astrologers equally or at-times above other important ministers in the royal court.

The kings disappeared and so did their royal astrologers but there still existed people who could predict future in local surroundings and anyone interested could meet them and pay them for their services.

The evolution of computers and internet however brought about a turn in the astrology business, dedicated sites offering services such as numerology, palmist! ry, taro t card reading or astrology cropped up in the market giving individual's a wide choice to pick the astrologer he likes. A recent fad in The World of Astrology today is the Premium Astrology where sites offer a general prediction about certain sun-signs for free but when one demands for a customised prediction they charge you with a fee.

Though this offer seems a really good deal especially for those who believe too much in luck and astrology not all astrologers and their sites give you reliable and true information, so be very careful when you opt for such services.

It is true that stars do affect an individual's fate and those who master the science of astrology can give realistic predictions, but relying completely on fate with no effort of your own is sure to lead you to nowhere, which is why one has to act instead of waiting for his fate to do it for him.

About the Author

Premium Astrology, it is true that stars do affect an individual's fate and those who master the science of astrology can give realistic predictions. For more information please visit


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