Nine Feng Shui Actions That Will Enhance Your Life Right Now

Article by Ann Bingley Gallops

I have been so immersed in Feng Shui recently that I'd lost sight of the fact that not everyone understands its benefits as well as I do. But just the other day I discovered my mistake when a good friend asked me, "What exactly is Feng Shui, anyway? And how can it help me?"Feng Shui is about how energy moves in a space and how that energy reflects what's going on in our lives. It identifies the imbalances that exist and "cures" them. Ultimately when you live and work in a space that's balanced and where energy moves freely, life gets better. So Feng Shui is about enhancing your life by enhancing your space.Using specialized tools and techniques, a Feng Shui expert identifies adjustments that revive, beautify and enhance your space, and, in turn, your life. But if you don't feel like an expert yourself, you can still improve the Feng Shui of your home or office on a day-to-day basis with simple steps like the ones I outline below.

Nine Feng Shui Actions That Will Enhance Your Life Right Now

Nine is a propitious number in Feng Shui. Here's to good ch'i!

1. In Feng Shui, your windows are considered the eyes of your home. So keep them clean and clear, make sure they open and close freely, fix broken panes, and take care that your views aren't spoiled by clutter indoors or out.

2. If you want a healthy and wealthy life, does your home look like it's thriving, or more like you're living in a thrift shop? Think about the messages that are being sent by the belongings you have around you.

3. Similarly, consider your artwork. I've seen a number of instances of people who want to cultivate a love relationship but whose artwork of single people sends the opposite signal. An easy cure for this is to put pairs of things around your home - candlesticks, flowers, artwork of couples...

4. Hanging bells on your front door alerts you to when people come and go, increasing your feeling of safety and creating good Feng Shui at the same time.

5. There's no hiding from "Feng S! hui eyes ", so clear the clutter and dust the surfaces to get stuck energy moving right away.

6. Good energy thrives when plants are happy. Get rid of dead or sickly ones (including dried arrangements) and lavish attention on those you keep. If you don't have a green thumb or would like to have plants in a place that can't support them (a windowless office, for instance), brighten your space with beautiful silk flowers instead.

7. The bedroom, and especially the bed, are very significant in Feng Shui, so it's important to be careful about the things you store here. Under-bed storage is best used for items related to sleeping (neatly folded sheets and blankets, for instance). Don't use it for things you never use, or for "toxic" items like photos that hold unpleasant memories.

8. It's just as important to be able to read in the living room as it is to turn down the lights in the bedroom. Set up lighting that's tailored to the things you do in each room, and you'll instantly improve the Feng Shui there.

9. If the energy's really feeling stuck, shake up the ch'i by simply lifting up and setting down 27 things. Just moving them the tiniest bit will bring you into tune with your environment. But don't be surprised if some of those things end up getting moved in a really big way!

These 9 tips are simple to follow but can have a big impact. Give them a try; I know they will steer your energy in the right direction! Happy Organizing!

About the Author

The Organized Life, founded by Organizing and Feng Shui expert Ann Bingley Gallops, will enhance your life by enhancing your space. Visit The Organized Life for more information.

Feng Shui Bisaya version

bisaya version with a twist **kung wa ka nalingaw, maau pa mag gama ka ug imo nga nindut para malingaw tang tanan. bow.

Video Rating: 4 / 5


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