Trekking the Road to Digital Divine

Article by Hemant Gupta

Today I would wish to invite you to join me on the "Road to digital divine"; it is the title of my first book in the series of books entitled "Informational Nature of Being". It is established in the computational nature of mind and matter. What would you need to trek this road? You will need two fundamental tools. First is the intellectual understanding. It is an understanding that will take you from your current perceptual reality where you see yourself as separate from everything else to a reality that leads to your understanding of oneness or unity consciousness. Second is the experiential understanding, i.e. a know-how that allows you to feel or experience that incomprehensible oneness that exists at the root of all. Before I elaborate, let me open with a quote:

The universe is made of bits. Every molecule, atom, and elementary particle registers bits of information. Every interaction between those pieces of the universe processes that information by altering those bits. That is, the universe computes, and because the universe is governed by the laws of quantum mechanics, it computes in an intrinsically quantum-mechanical fashion; its bits are quantum bits. The history of the universe is, in effect, a huge and ongoing quantum computation. The universe is a quantum computer.-Programming the Universe - Seth LLoyd

Dr. Seth LLoyad is Professor of quantum mechanical engineering at MIT and a pioneer in the field of quantum computing. What is the meaning of digital? The word "Digital" means discreet or not continuous. Digital vs. analog signal. In this frame of reference we mean digital information. Like BIT, the smallest element of binary information. Yes, the binary logic. Yes we are all very familiar with this logic. For example, an electrical switch, it can be either in on position or off position. Either yes or no. 0 or 1. Our computers are programmed with this logic. Giant internet is another example of a system operating on binary logic. All MP3 players, iphones, smart PDAs all a! re think able because of advancements in this logic.

Can you imagine a switch that can be on and off both at the same time? It will question your sensibilities. You may not be able to think of an answer immediately. When I shared this with my wife Seema during a casual evening walk, she said "What kind of science fiction is this?" Except it is not the science fiction. It is a science fact. All quantum entities follow this logic. They stay in both on or off positions until they are observed. Once they are observed they acquire one of the two on or off position. So what? I am not a quantum entity. I am large classical object that follows binary logic, you may allege. Not quite. You are made up of trillions of cells. Each of these cells are made up of molecules which in turn are made up of atoms and eventually quantum entities. So I am firmly rooted in quantum information just as these tiny quantum entities.Can you believe that everything that you see around you, including yourself can be explained as elaborate programs comprising of yes/no? Ultimately, every thing in our universe is made from complex programs of these binary and quantum switches. It implies that information is at the root of all matter and energy. Not the other way round. Accordingly, our universe is an informational entity and so are we and every thing that envelops us. What it implies is that all laws of physics, chemistry and biology are all special case of laws of information leading to computational nature of matter and mind. Okay, I am an information entity, so how does it influence me? Well, if every thing is ultimately berried in quantum information, then the smallest component of quantum information that makes us all is quantum BIT. Quantum bit is not only at the root of all sciences but it is also at the root of all religions and spirituality and even all mighty GOD or one may say Digital divine.It combines elements of infinite or supreme logic with infinite or supreme oneness or love. This quality of quantum computation has remark! able lik enesses to the dimensions of spirituality. So-called mystics may now believe that finally there is an expression of science, which supports what they have repeatedly believed in. It reminds me of a quote from Maharajji, a spiritual master of our times:Every one knows that there are many drops in the ocean, But very few know that there is ocean in each drop. I want you to be the one who know that there is ocean in the drop.

The QUBIT is the drop, it makes the Ocean, and Every QUBIT contains the OCEAN in its being!! As we take this road to Digital Divine, at the least, the abyss between the scientific and spiritual wisdom is narrowing, in a meaningful way.

Transcript of a talk given by Dr. H. Gupta in Los Angeles, CA

About the Author

Hemant Gupta graduated from the University of Southern California (USC), completing his Masters and PhD degrees in Chemical Engineering with specialization in Polymer Science. Gupta subsequently finished executive MBA course from University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). He has been Vice-President of Research and Development at a major corporation for the past ten years and in various leadership roles for the past twenty years. His writings address fundamental questions of existence and reflect his search for meaning spanning past 30 years. For example, does GOD exist? What is the nature of the silence? What is the meaning of Life? What is the true nature of the self? How one can discover one's True Self? What is Digital Divine and what is Divine Meaning? How can one feel the supreme Joy? Can Joy and Happiness provide ultimate meaning to our Lives? How does modern living contribute to causing stress and stress related ailments such as depression, anxiety and high blood pressure just to name a few? How can one realize relief from the pain caused by stress responses in our body? How can one lead harmonious, emotionally fulfilling and meaningful life by knowing one's true Quantum self? For More Information please visit {a href="">

Palmo Jangchup's Angel Invocation

Yogi Palmo is held in high regard as hidden yogini, born in Tibet, who in her early age deeply moved by a strong sense of renunciations and disenchantment with conditioned existence, she entered the door of the dharma and undertook a three and half year solitary retreat on Longhchen Nyinghthik practice at Mount Kailash (Tibet) inside a cave under the guidance of Dzogchen Rinpoche and while in India and Nepal under His Holiness Dudjom Rinpoche and many other great master Tibet she underwent many solitary retreats in caves of India and Nepal. Her whole life has been dedicated to the path of the dharma, thus continues to inspire and benefit with her dazzling purity, humility and natural simplicity of her presence. This Divination and Healing Chod ceremony is an ancient Tibetan Buddhist ritual known to be extremely beneficial and powerful in to those who are in need of energizing their Spiritual or Physical state associated and overcoming obstacles they may be facing. Questions of health wealth and prosperity unfold in the Yogini Palmo's command of the Mo (divination) and the Empowering healing ceremony of Chod. Here at the newly named Meditation Center in the mid peninsula region of California, Named Jangchup Choeling, Palmo requested to have her transformational ceremony to be shared with all, unconditionally. ~Namaste~ "Kouroshjan"

Video Rating: 4 / 5


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