Grimoire for the Green Witch: A Complete Book of Shadows by Ann Moura Description of the book taken from The author of the popular Green Witchcraft series presents her personal Book of Shadows, designed for you to use just as she uses it-as a working guide to ritual, spells, and divination. This ready-made, authentic grimoire is based on family tradition and actual magical experience, and is easily adaptable to any tradition of Witchcraft. Grimoire for the Green Witch offers a treasury of magical information- rituals for Esbats and Sabbats, correspondences, circle-casting techniques, sigils, symbols, recitations, spells, teas, oils, baths, and divinations. Every aspect of Craft practice is addressed, from the purely magical to the personally spiritual. It is a distillation of Green practice, with room for growth and new inspiration. Video Rating: 5 / 5
Scientists have studied the effect of the full moon and they found that there were less births in the weekends:). The old belief that there are more children born when the moon is full, has been proven wrong. In our days, children are born between 9 and 5 from Monday to Friday, if the doctors had it their way. It is more convenient and it can be done without harming the mother or the child, so why not. But now I will never know if there would be a natural tendency for more births at Full Moon (not all, just some more). Maybe it is not so, not even in the middle of the jungle without electricity or doctors. Who cares about the position of the moon, anyway, these days? I remember that I was on the road at night. I parked and watched a partial lunar eclipse (a cloud hanging before the moon) and I noticed that nobody noticed. They were eating, drinking, checking tires, walking dogs, going to the toilets...but nobody was staring at the sky or pointing at the moon to tell their childr...
ARIES (March 21-April 19). There are certain aspects of your life you used to find distressing that you now find merely interesting. The facts are what they are, and you have little emotional attachment to them. TAURUS (April 20-May 20). You don't like to admit when you're wrong and being slow to do so will serve you well. You're not the only one responsible for what has happened. Take a moment to review all sides. GEMINI (May 21-June 21). The conventional wisdom suggests that the past cannot be changed, and yet, since it exists in your mind, it changes all of the time. The way you view your history will transform yet again today. CANCER (June 22-July 22). You're more likely to believe what is entirely, outrageously incredible than buy into the boring truth. This is a good quality now, as a bit of strange fantasy will fuel your motivation. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). You are not in the mood to compromise. You won't sell out your own interests, and you feel the same...
Pholus is an asteroid, a small object that pops up in a chart as the catalyst. Transit Pholus often reflects the small and insignificant but irrevocable trigger point. But what starts as a tiny thing can grow out of proportions, like the sudden rise of an X-factory star. Susan Boyle, for example, has Pholus on MC. Her career certainly has a point of no return. Pholus moves through Sagittarius. What happens when transit Pholus is conjunct the natal sun in Sagittarius? TRANSIT PHOLUS ON SAGITTARIUS SUN In a few days (just before Xmas 2012) transit Pholus will be conjunct my Sun in 19d53 Sagittarius for the first time and more hits will follow in 2013. I'll pay special attention to those days of transit Pholus. It might be that someone or something will silently and slowly start changing my life. Or that someone's death will. Or... maybe nothing happens. I'll let you know and I am curious about your experiences. Many Sagittarians had transit Pholus on their Sun ...
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