How Numerology Can Change Your Life

Article by Vitae Bergman

The questions are:

Why was I born? What is the purpose of my life? Why is my life such a struggle?

How many of us have asked ourselves questions like these? I venture to say, probably most of us. Sometime in our lives, we reach a point where we lose confidence. We're no longer certain we are making the right choices. We can't seem to find the right path that will lead us to fulfillment.

We've followed all the rules society and tradition have lain down for us, believing that we would thereby come to a happy state. But it hasn't yet happened.

Or, we've gone a different road - the one less traveled. Yet, something eludes us.

Friends and family have offered advice, some good, some not so good. There's plenty of advice out there, to be sure. But we need something more, something better than advice. We need to discover a new direction. We need to find inspiration from within ourselves. We need insights we can trust.

This is where numerology enters the picture. For thirty years I have been practicing the art and science of numerology, and I have had the good fortune of stumbling upon a special method, which I call Numerology for Soul Awakening.

Simply put, this system focuses on what it is you, as the Soul whom you are, have come into this lifetime to achieve. You have a special purpose, a mission if you will, that is totally unique to you.

Your mission has nothing to do with "making a difference in the world." It's not an issue of what you do in life; so much as it is a question of how you do whatever it is you feel drawn to do, whether your action be an ordinary job, a professional career, a service career or healing career, a homemaker, a mother, a father. These are roles we play. The role has little to do with the quality of the performance.

Our true life mission is that of healing the Soul. If our lives are in sync with that purpose, then, regardless of our circumstance, whether rich or poor, healthy or sickly, robust or handicapped-whatever ! the case may be--living the life our Soul has designed for its purpose of healing brings us supreme inner joy. To others, our road may appear to be arduous, difficult, and maybe even impossible. But for us our place in the world feels positive and secure. We know we are living in accordance with our Higher Self. And nothing else matters.

This is why a call my system Joyful Numerology. Using the tools of numerology, we can discover the true life design. We can know how well we are following our inner guidance. We can come to appreciate that which we secretly always knew about our personal goal, so different perhaps than that which our friends and family, our society deemed the way we ought to live, which so often can be describes as chasing after egoic dreams. We live in an egocentric society. Our social enculturation drives us into life games that all too often go against the needs of our Souls.

It is this egocentric enculturation that offers us only meager moments of pleasure, but no true joy, no inner contentment, only superficiality and stress.

To be sure, there are many other paths to the life of inner discovery. Numerology is only one of many. And numerology has not always been used for Soul Purpose. There are those who use numerology for exterior motives, such as learning about your innate gifts--talents that you can use to get on in life. Some people use numerology for business reasons, wanting to know what would be a favorable name for a business, a favorable business address or telephone number, or the best date for signing contracts. Some people even use numerology for playing the ponies. These are pursuits of the ego. I don't recommend numerology for such actions.

But for Soul Awakening (awakening to your soul's purpose for this life)--for this kind of discovery, numerology is quite unique and very precise. Exploring this method of knowing can change the quality of your life.

About the Author

Vitae Bergman has been a professional numerologyist for the past 30 years. You can find him at


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