Types of Tarot Decks
Article by Jyotika
Tarot reading has become more popular in recent years and we see many people going for tarot reading before taking any important decision related to their business or family. Tarot reading is becoming popular these days as it predicts the future possibilities of the events taking place in the life of the individual. Tarot is the pack of cards similar to the pack of playing cards. It is used for mapping of psychological and spiritual pathways. There are different types of decks of tarot. Some decks are used for answering the simple questions related to business or personal life while some decks can provide the detailed inner-view of the questioner's life.
Types of Tarot Decks:
Tarot cards are used for predicting the present, past and future of the individual. But remember that it does not predict the exact future of the person. Instead, it predicts the possibilities of the events taking place in future. There are varieties of deck available for professional tarot reading. You can choose the one that you find easy to interpret. The number of cards in each deck of tarot can vary but the basic meanings of these cards remains the same. These decks are classified based on the themes like fantasy, animals, nature, dragons, etc.
Below are some important decks of tarot, that are suitable for the beginners and can predict the possibilities of events in the best way.
Rider Waite - Tarot:
This tarot deck is the most popular deck used by many tarot readers today. The images on this deck were drawn by Pamela Smith. She was guided by the occult writer A.E Waite, hence, named as Rider Waite Deck. Though the pictures are simple, the card background holds the rich blend of symbolism.
Oracle Deck - Tarot:
The oracle tarot deck is generally used for depicting the future of the individual. It can also be used for meditation purpose. Doing this, you can get clarify your thoughts. This tarot deck may or may not be significant in terms of symbolism of major ! and mino r arcana.
Gipsy Tarot Tsigane:
The gipsy tarot tsigane deck is the deck with unusual artwork on it. This tarot deck has gained lots of popularity due to the use of bright colors. It is mainly used by the professional readers and part-time readers.
The use of tarot deck depends on the type of the question asked by the questioner and the in-depth of the answer required by the questioner. You can choose the appropriate tarot deck according to your need.
About the AuthorAuthor Provides detail information about Tarot Card Reading & Tarot Decks
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