Its all in the palm of your hand
Article by Leanne Kemp
When the term Psychic is mentioned, images of a smoky, dimly lit, Gypsy trailer containing a woman in all her robes and shawls promising to tell your future from a pack of cards or a crystal ball comes to mind. But this is no longer so. The psychic and spiritual world has many dedicated followers and many different terms that define the exact nature of each of the special gifts that their members hold.
A Psychic is a name that refers to a person who has extra sensory perception or paranormal powers. A psychic is a person who is believed to possess extra-sensory abilities, including: clairvoyance, psychometry and precognition. It should be noted that a psychic is able to "sense" the spiritual world on a purely material level and not be able to "tune in" to the spirit world, except by accident. Mediums are psychics but not all psychics are mediums.
There are many terms and definitions of each of the 'special' gifts that are said to fall within the Psychic label. To list just a few of the more common types;
AstrologyIs the term given to the reading of th stars. Many believe that our lives and personalities are governed by the position of the planets at the time of our births. The position of these planet and suns then affect the emotional state that we are in. It is believed that by studying the planetary patterns it is possible to forsee what lies ahead in our future.
ChannellingChannelling is more commonly known as Trance Mediumship. During the trance state the medium is said to have allowed the 'spirit' to take control of their body and more commonly speak through them, giving evidence of who they are and pass on their teachings and messages.
TelepathyThis is the term used to describe the ability to 'tune in' to the thoughts of others, or to inject your own thoughts into another's mind.
ClairvoyanceIs described as the psychic power that enables the person to see things that aren't visiable to people that are not clairvoyant. This is the most commonly
Pr! erecogni tionThe skill of looking into the future and seeing events before they take place, often through the subconscious when dreaming.
PsychokinesisThe ability to use the power of the mind to influence matter- to move objects by thought, for example.
NumerologyNumerology is based on mathematics and is the study of numbers and the way that they reflect character tendencies. This is said to help you with your strengths and weaknesses and gives you an insight into the personality of others. It's believed that the origin of numerology is either with Pythagoras, the Greek mathematician (569-470 B.C) or even earlier still in the Jewish Kabbala.
The basis of numerology is eleven numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, and 22. You can reduce the numbers in your name or birth date down into these eleven numbers to make a numerology chart.
The four main types of Numerology readings are -
1. Your Life Path Number which is based on your birth date.
2. Your Expression Number which is based on the letters of your full name given at birth.
3. Your Soul Urge Number which is based on a reduction of the vowels in your full birth name.
4. Your Destiny Number which is based on a reduction of the consonants in your full birth name.
Tarot Cards The Tarot Cards are used as a tool to allow you to tap into your own intuition. They allow you an alternatate view or new perspective into self understanding, spiritual growth, clarification of descisions and everyday problems. Many Tarot readers believe that the cards take on the energy of the person who touches them which is why the cards are insulated from others by wrapping them in silk or enclosing them in a box. They are only to be touched by the diviner and the person for whom the reading is done.
PalmistryIn palmistry it is believed that the overall shape and formation of the hands is one of the first clues to the character and destiny. Both hands are examined with one hand being the 'birth hand' showing the inherited quali! ties and the other reflects individuality, flexibility and potential. Depending on wether you are right or left handed determines which is your birth hand.
The square hand identifies the practical person, someone forceful, purposeful, and capable of achieving success. The tapering hand is likely to belong to an artist, a convivial, enthusiastic and sensitive soul. The spade-like hand appears to be in motion even at rest and denotes an energetic owner with need for positive actions. The pointed hand belongs to the idealist, the sometimes impractical lovers of beauty. The long hand, knotty at the joints, is that of a thinker, or philosopher. There are many definitions and terms used with the psychic and spiritual community. These are just a few of the more common types available. Even if you are a believer or not, why not have your 'future' read today.
About the AuthorLeanne Kemp is the Managing Director for Wotaboutme. Look online to find a day spa, haircut, aromatherapy massage anywhere in Australia. Perfect for gifts for him or gifts for her. For updates, check out the Wotaboutme Blog
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