How to spy on your boyfriend's true self with numerology

Article by Parisi Susy

Numerology is a 4,000 year old science, which reveals information about your destiny, love, career and happiness just from your name.

Me and my best friend Mary started practicing numerology in college. We were these two crazy girls who both really liked math and more spiritual stuff like Yoga and meditation.

At some point Mary started dating this guy named Mark. I was really happy for Mary, because Mark seemed like a really nice guy and Mary deserved a nice guy like him.

Mark took Mary for few dates and everything seemed well, but Mary had been telling me, that even though Mark is a super-nice guy; Mark really doesn't like to talk about himself too much or reveal his feelings to Mary.

This really bummed Mary, because she was this really sweet girl with a huge heart.

Mary was always really open about her feelings towards anyone and she wasn't afraid to show those feelings (even though sometimes people called her a cry-baby, because she was so emotional).

"Why don't you do a numerology reading for your boyfriend Mark? You would learn all the things about him that he is too afraid to tell you!" I told Mary.

Mary was a bit skeptical at first.

Mary and me had been doing numerology readings for ourselves and the things we learned about ourselves almost every time were shown to be true.

Could numerology be used to learn more stuff about Mary's boyfriend?

Mary decided to do the numerology reading for her boyfriend to see, if they were going to be a good match.

Mary needed her boyfriend's birthday for the reading, but Mary didn't know when Mark was born, so she had to trick the birth date out of Mark.

Mary pretended that she needed Mark's birth date for a present and got Mark to tell when he was born.

After Mary had the birth date, we did the numerology reading together for Mark.

So after we did the reading, we had all this information about Mary's boyfriend: information about love, money, career and what direction Mark's! life wo uld take in a future.

The information proved that Mark was in fact a great match for Mary and Mary told me that the information was pretty much what she tough Mark was really like, but that he was afraid to show.

The reading gave Mary the confidence that Mark was the right guy for her and now Mary didn't need to worry anymore about if Mark would be a right guy for her.

Mary told me that her and Mark's relationship really improved after the numerology reading: Mary didn't need to be thinking or fear anymore about the future of their relationship.

They were on the right track and their love for each other grew bigger every day.

Mary also felt that Mark was more relaxed with her now, because Mary didn't need to force all this information out of Mark, because she already knew all the important thing about Mark, thanks to the numerology reading.

Because Mark was now more relaxed with Mary, Mary told me that Mark was now showing his feelings the way she thought Mark would never do, like holding Mary's hand and kissing her on public places.

Few months after the reading Mark proposed Mary and about a year after that, they got married.

Mary later told me how happy she was that we got into numerology together in college and how numerology saved her relationship and got her married with the nicest guy in the world.

About the Author

To get to know your boyfriend or your life partner better, visit

Numerology: the number 4

A brief description of the character traits of the 4 lifepath. Featuring music by the Fab 4!!

Video Rating: 5 / 5


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