Are There Any Dangers Associated with Psychic Readings?

Article by Keith Ward

There are dangers associated with psychic readings, not from the reading itself but from unscrupulous scam artists that present themselves as readers, but have as much psychic ability as your left shoe....maybe even less. However, real psychic readers pose no threat to you. They simply offer you an opportunity to find out answers to questions you might have.

One way to find if a reader is honest is to check their credentials and look for online complaints. You simply have to Google their name with the word "scam" or "complaint" and often you'll find a minimum of one complaint, that's because at one time or another, even legitimate psychics deal with a strange person or two. If, however, you find several people that had the same bad experience, you need to reconsider the use of that particular psychic.

Psychics don't tell you about a danger coming or a curse you have and then request a specified amount of money to remove the curse or send you pendant or spell of protection. Psychics simply report what they see, feel or sense about you, your past or your future. Only you have the power to change your future.

A good psychic lets you know up front that you have the power to change you future. Psychics see the future as it plays out if nothing changes. By changing your actions, you'll change your future. For instance, if you treat your family poorly, scream at the kids, cheat on your wife and kick the dog, one day they'll turn on you. The psychic might see that happening. Since she tells you what she sees, it gives you an opportunity to change your ways and therefore keep your family and the dog. You made the change happen once you realized how you acted in the past.

In a few instances, psychics can be quite dangerous. These have more to do with the subject of the reading than it does with the psychic. If you're a person that doesn't think for himself and looks to others for answers on how to live your life, you might not want to call a psychic, or talk to the neighbour for tha! t matter . Good psychics give you their impression of your life, others in your life or your future. They might make suggestions but never expect you to follow their advice word for word.

If you ask a psychic whether your boyfriend is cheating and they say yes with a woman whose name begins with a J, check it out before you make accusations. First, sometimes psychics are wrong and they admit that happens occasionally. Secondly, unless you have concrete proof, making accusations brings a defence and without proof, you'll believe it. The psychic is like the friend that gives you the heads up but only to make you open your eyes to the evidence.

Using the advice improperly is the biggest risk you face. If you ask a psychic about your work and they say you're on shaky ground, don't run in and quit your job. Normally you know your areas of weakness, use the psychic prediction to make improvements in your job performance and change the outcome.

You'll find that if you use a reputable psychic and use the reading as additional information, with a malleable future, you'll have few risks. Psychics don't perform spells or lift curses, simply report what they see. Avoid psychics that require you to do anything, particularly if it has to do with money, to insure a brighter future or save the soul of a deceased loved one. The only thing these psychics read is the dollar signs on their bank accounts.

About the Author

Keith Ward is the Founder and Director of the Circle of Professional Clairvoyants, which offers Psychic Readings with fully qualified Psychics and Senior UK Clairvoyants.

Jamies Randi Debunking Psychic Surgery

James Randi, best known as a skeptic of pseudoscience, debunked popular myths for "JC" on the "T.Show". The third part of this series of clips shows James Randi performing "psychic" surgery in front of the audience.

Video Rating: 4 / 5

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