Using Palmistry in Every Day Life
Article by Myrna Lou Goldbaum
USING PALMISTRY IN EVERYDAY LIFEMyrna Lou GoldbaumPalmist/Psychic/Author
While a participant in a large convention in the Denver area a middle-aged woman approached my booth for a palm reading.
She said, "I was directed to come to you by my guides. I don't know why or what I'm supposed to do now, but I'm here. I don't know where I am in my life's work right now, or if I am on the right path. My relationship is causing my mind to whirl and my business structure is constantly in the change mode. What can you do to HELP?" Key in her rambling conversation was the word "HELP". As a practicing Palmist over 50 years my main focus has always been to use my talent and abilities to help those who request a reading. I guide, encourage, straighten out thinking, and enlighten individuals.
I use Oriental or Asian Palmistry, one of the two most authentic types in the world, having been in existence since 3000 BC. There are numerous types of palmistry in existence. The most famous, well-known method is Hindu Indian. I believe the hand is the mirror of the soul. I also believe our task in life is to discover who we are and be just that. By taking a journey into self one can discover empowerment. This system using Palmistry involves five main areas: Life lineLove line which includes the Soul Mate SymbolWork linesReproduction Bracelets Numerous variations of those areas can be comprehended and detected by a palm reader. Interpretation of the lines exposes, reveals, uncovers and allows discovery.A benefit of Palmistry is in being in touch with one's higher self, to connect to one's sacred self. Lines on a hand are the indicators of the major influences and movements in life. In reading a palm specific information is gleaned about an individual where intense data can be uncovered. Deciphering markings and symbols displayed on the palm give one observations concerning health, longevity, romantic interests, soul mate connections, work opportunities, reproduction possibilities and the passage of time! .
Hands are the servants of the human system; all things that affect the system affect them too for they are the immediate servants of the brain. The human hand can express with gesture, ask, invoke, promise, dismiss, threaten, embrace, express fear, shows pity, joy and grief.
MISCELLANEOUS SYMBOLSMiscellaneous symbols present on any given hand could include the following:"X" symbolStar symbolIslandsDots StripesGrillesTeacher's BlockESP/IntuitionPoison line Guardian AngelsMystic CrossGiving lines Soul MateOld SoulReincarnationPast LivesFocusingCenteringGroundingLessons LearnedNew Beginnings
PALMISTRY ADDRESSES THE FOLLOWING ISSUES:1. Relationships2. Emotional turmoil3. Recurring dreams4. Future goals5. Finding one's spiritual path6. To deepen life to a new level of meaning7. To build the life one desires8. To create the work that gives one's heart "joy"
Palmistry discovers old patterns and releases them so new adventures can be experienced. Growth occurs through inner self-guidance. When one is ready for the suffering to end, a quiet, new mindset is the healer within. Everyone longs for happiness, the call "home". We learn to harness the unlimited powers of insight, creativity and spirituality, allowing the changing of a mind to move in both positive and negative ways, willing and allowing our emotions to work. Palmistry enables one to find their inspirational place in the world. It helps in locating the area of awareness beyone the common perception and offers excellent wayhs to solve life's dilemmas. Palmistry provides the means for one to find their best professional path, answers questions by unlocing secrets and revives old, forgotten memories. It heals the hurt and awakens the spirit.
Palmistry helps towards personal growth and renewal; it opens self-understanding from within, generating new thoughts and ideas as it works mysteriously to help in overcoming the fear of change. It overcomes unproductive thinking as it allows innovative thinking while promoting the recognition o! f mind t raps. It sharpens and clears the mind. Palmistry reveals hidden opportunities. Individuals seek out a Palmist for a variety of reasons: Personal transformation Meditation training Self-knowledge Boost in energy level
After a palm reading session one discovers life is less stressful. People are able to handle the use of their time more easily as they learn to minimize their weaknesses and take advantage of their strengths. Palmistry can turn a negative into a positive.
Since 1967 the Science of Palmistry has been taught in Medical Schools throughout the US. Pre-Med students are instructed in the human palm to aid in their diagnosis of patients. Every single newborn baby's palm is analyzed for defects, or missing components that could affect the future health of the baby. At birth a newborn's hands are clenched which causes the lines to form on the human palm. On Day 2 the fingers begin to loosen and by Day 3 the infant has the well-known powerful "grip". In death the thumb is once again curled into the palm.
In every reading I pick up medical problems, mental heath difficulties and in particular, undesirable behaviors in a person. Because I love a mystery I choose to unravel the secrets and hidden memories in the psyche. This in turn helps the person I am reading. They are then able to understand where they have been in the past, what they are doing in the present and what life holds in store for them in the future. It has been said, "Hairdressers see it all" but I take exception to that statement because I see it, hear it and feel it "all" in my life's work utilizing Palmistry. To date I have documented over 40,000 palms.
About the AuthorMyrna Lou Goldbaum, Palmist, Author of 3 palmistry books:MAY I SEE YOUR HAND? Palm Reading for Fun and ProfitSOUL MATE CONNECTIONS Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Relationships, Love, romance and Soul MatesDIARY OF A PALM READER Palm Reading Sessions 1956 TO 200340,000 palms documented,90-95% accuracy rate. Known as the Soul Mate Specialist website: http//
Great Lake Swimmers - Palmistry (Legion Sessions)
Palmistry: How to Chart the Lines of Your Life
Now the answers to these questions and more are literally at your fingertips.
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