Role of Moon and Sun Signs in "Feng Shui"

Astrology is being believed in by many people especially that it helps them have a better view of what can possibly happen in the future, how they must react to and prepare for these events, and how one can possibly deviate from some undesirable predictions. Most of all, and very importantly, astrology also helps in relationships and finding one's match. That is why it is also essential to dwell into the two most important aspects of astrology—the Sun and the Moon.

The Sun and the Moon play different roles in a person's life. However, when these two are put together, one totally different and new reading is reached. So if one wants to learn about his or her astrology sign, these two have to be understood first.

The Sun Sign

The Sun sign is perhaps the most common and most understood part of one's astrology. It basically represents one person's personality. However, it does not explain one's personality in totality. The Sun sign is that one behavior that a person feels most comfortable with. Furthermore, it is also the conscious self. The Sun is considered as the core of the person.

Getting one's sun sign only needs the person's birth date.

To know one's Sun sign, here is a simple graph.

  • Aries falls on March 21 to April 20;
  • Taurus is from April 21 to May 22;
  • Gemini is from May 23 to June 23;
  • Cancer falls on June 23 to July 22;
  • Leo is every July 23 to August 23;
  • Virgo is from August 24 to September 23;
  • Libra is from September 23 to October 23;
  • Scorpio falls every October 24 to November 22;
  • Sagittarius is from November 23 to December 21;
  • Capricorn is from December 22, January 20;
  • Aquarius is from January 20 to February 19;

Pisces falls every February 20 to March 21.

The Moon Sign

The Moon Sign, on the other hand, comes in when an individual's emotions are high. Commonly, it is with the Moon sign that a person reacts during emotional situations. If the Sun sign is the conscious self, the Moon sign is the subconscious self. This particular sign is considered as the representation of one's emotional and instinctual works making it the sign that a person can relate to better.

The Moon Sign is very much important to women, most especially, because it represents the Divine Feminine. It is the one that can shed some light into issues that are being dealt with.

The Sun and Moon may have individual meanings; however, when these two match, they can help a person with relationships. These can help people work out their relationships with others. But even with these, it has to be remembered that relationships should be an effort not only by one person, but by both people involved in it. It takes understanding the partner in a more mature level for a relationship to work. Most importantly, it needs love.

Astrology should only be taken as a guide and the same goes with one's horoscope.


Read More @ Source

Top Gear - Alfa Romeo GT - Alfa astrology - BBC

The Top Gear team try to work out if there is any relationship between astrology and owning an Alfa Romeo GT. From the BBC.

Video Rating: 4 / 5

Person-to-Person "Feng Shui": Energy Factors in Love, Sex and Compatibility

Using a new language of energy based on the ancient "four elements" and in harmony with that used by the more advanced healing arts, renowned author Stephen Arroyo here explores how astrology as a language of energy can be astoundingly accurate and useful in illuminating individuals' energy exchange in all close relationships. The preface, author's note, introduction, and early chapters of Person-to-Person "Feng Shui" lay the groundwork for serious consideration of astrology as a significant discipline. The following chapters detail the influence of the four elements—Fire, Earth, Water, Air—on the 12 signs, with a particular emphasis on the rising sign (Ascendant). The author shows readers how to experiment by comparing birth charts, and explains, through detailed descriptions, people's psychological motivations and needs based on the positions of their Moon, Venus, and Mars. Appendices include astrological definitions, keywords, and sign tables that allow readers quick access to the basics. Written in the author's trademark clear, accessible style, Person-to-Person "Feng Shui" presents a new approach to finding fulfillment in any kind of relationship.

List Price: $ 18.95 Price: $ 11.53


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