Elemental Palmistry

Article by Alan

Elemental palmistry involves elemental characteristics that are present on the palm of an individual. As per the science of palmistry, length and shape of human fingers are noticed along with the other features like length and breadth. Assistance of a well-trained palmist helps people to get an idea about the various elements and the characteristics assigned to them.

Many times, people try to explore future possibilities by referring to various forms of sciences. Palmistry that involves study of various elements is one such field that attracts lots of enthusiasts. A keen learner can read the plenty of material which is available on internet or can refer to various books and magazines on palmistry that are published by well-trained, well-qualified and experienced palmists. However, to have proper knowledge and appropriate suggestions, assistance of an authentic palmist is suggested.

What is Elemental Palmistry?

Elemental palmistry involves study of palms wherein the palm of an individual is divided into five elements; namely: air, water, fire, earth and etheric. Presence of any of these elements on the palm of an individual represents characteristics attributed to those elements. To get an idea about them, assistance of an expert palmist proves beneficial.

Experts refer to the study of fingers and palm shape as 'cheirognomy'. In 1894, a Victorian palmist named Cheiro wrote in his book that: Language of the Hand that hand shapes "relate to the hereditary influence of character and disposition." Apart from this, Cheiro has also introduced around seven shapes for human hand, namely:

•The elementary•The square, also referred as useful hand•The spatulate, also referred as nervous and active type of hand•The philosophic, also referred as knotty hand•The conic or the artistic type of hand•The psychic or the idealistic type of hand•The mixed hand type

Out of the seven elements given above, most of the palmists limit the number of elements to primary five! shapes as it helps them to carry out the study further. An amateur can learn about these elements by simple observation techniques and increase the authenticity of their knowledge by mastering the assumptions about the predictions with experience. After a period of time, true characteristics about one's personality can be easily found out which often goes unnoticed.

Five Elements in Palmistry

Five Elements in Palmistry are described as under.

•Air - Known as the frey, an individual who has air type palm has long fingers and he/she is self-motivated.•Fire- People having fire hand element have short fingers wherein they are considered to be highly ambitious only in the beginning of any task.•Water - Known as heimdall, the water hand type are generally moody•Earth - Also called the erda, the earth hand usually has a square shape. A person with this type of element has small sized fingers wherein it is believed that people having this type of hand are reliable and practical.•Ether Hands - A person with etheric hand has unusually long fingers, long nail beds and are naturally curved. People with this type of palm are believed to be gifted individuals who posses natural psychics.

About the Author

Alan pointing provides information on palm reading, thumb reading

The Palmist (Part1) قارئة الفنجان عبد الحليم حافظ

Son, I tell fortunes and apply palmistry, but never before I read a palm like yours, Son, I tell fortunes and apply palmistry, but never met such sadness before, its your fortune to face love waves without sails, your life would remain forever a book of tears, its your fortune to be jailed between water and fire, son, despite of your books flames and sad history, despite of the sadness living inside your soul day and night, despite the whirlwind, the heavy rains and tornadoes, Love would remain your best destiny.

Video Rating: 4 / 5

Palmistry Quick & Easy

Your hand is a map reflecting your personality, your past, and your personal potential. This book's unique illustrated and interactive format is designed to give you instant access to the ancient art of palmistry. As you answer a series of simple questions, you'll discover how easy it really is—even the novice can begin reading hands immediately!

You'll learn how to interpret the length of the palm and fingers, the four hand types, thumbs, marks on the fingers, the lines, fingernails, the mounts, timing in the palm, and even the meaning of rings.

Palmistry Quick & Easy also includes information not found in other palmistry books. Notes for lovers, parents, managers, and astrologers will add depth and additional insights into the important relationships in your life.

Without saying a word, your hands speak volumes about your personality. For example, the shape and size of your hand can help you gain insight into your strengths and weaknesses.

Do you have a long palm with long, slender fingers? If so, you have a water hand, which means you are a sensitive, sympathetic, and intuitive person who probably relies on emotions to make decisions. You may have to be careful of being overly self-critical.

Do you have a short palm with short fingers? Then you've got an earth hand, and you are practical, reliable, and productive, although you may have to watch out for becoming too single-minded or authoritarian.

Palmistry is also fun—in any social gathering, mention that you read palms and you'll soon have a crowd of people eager to find out more about themselves.

Palmistry Quick & Easy is just that: quick and easy. With its detailed question-and-answer format, you'll gain a deeper understanding of yourself and the people around you—just by listening to what their hands have to say.
Your hand is a map reflecting your personality, your past, and your personal potential. This book's unique illustrated an! d intera ctive format is designed to give you instant access to the ancient art of palmistry. As you answer a series of simple questions, you'll discover how easy it really is—even the novice can begin reading hands immediately!

You'll learn how to interpret the length of the palm and fingers, the four hand types, thumbs, marks on the fingers, the lines, fingernails, the mounts, timing in the palm, and even the meaning of rings.

Palmistry Quick & Easy also includes information not found in other palmistry books. Notes for lovers, parents, managers, and astrologers will add depth and additional insights into the important relationships in your life.

Without saying a word, your hands speak volumes about your personality. For example, the shape and size of your hand can help you gain insight into your strengths and weaknesses.

Do you have a long palm with long, slender fingers? If so, you have a water hand, which means you are a sensitive, sympathetic, and intuitive person who probably relies on emotions to make decisions. You may have to be careful of being overly self-critical.

Do you have a short palm with short fingers? Then you've got an earth hand, and you are practical, reliable, and productive, although you may have to watch out for becoming too single-minded or authoritarian.

Palmistry is also fun—in any social gathering, mention that you read palms and you'll soon have a crowd of people eager to find out more about themselves.

Palmistry Quick & Easy is just that: quick and easy. With its detailed question-and-answer format, you'll gain a deeper understanding of yourself and the people around you—just by listening to what their hands have to say.

List Price: $ 12.95 Price: $ 12.95


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