Palmistry - Forewarned is Forearmed

Article by Jack Liu

Palmistry is much more than just a mystical science. This one is equipped to guide you well through your journey of life ahead. Palm reading helps to unravel the mysteries of one's own life - things that individuals fail to understand even about themselves! In short, palmistry or the study of hand lines can help one to become awake about things beyond the common perceptions. It helps one to pick up on 'energy levels' that are tangible and can be moulded well through movements, voice, healing and self-talk processes.

Originally, palmistry was intended to act as a tool of assessment about people and later counsel them for their own better. The direct link that exists between the mind and the body reflects in this study of hand lines. Palm reading actually shows how the lines of the hand are actually reflecting one's social attitudes, emotional tendencies, conscious and subconscious strengths and fears. Palmistry has several benefits for the common man. Let us pick out a few of them:

* Palmistry helps people to understand themselves better. This in turn helps them to lead a better and more meaningful life with their own family and friends. It has helped many broken ties to become one again and in some cases has helped them to sever ties with wilful people who can bring those only ill times.

* Palmistry has actually helped people to get an early warning about forthcoming diseases. This has helped them to take preventive steps and deal with bad situations much better than things otherwise would have been. In some cases, it has even helped with prognosis of diseases that doctors have failed to decipher.

* Palmistry based counselling is a very important tool used today. It has helped scores of people all over the world not only self-discovery and relationships, but also with other serious issues like career options, recovery from depression, chances to bear children, and many more. The 'before' and 'after' snapshots of your handprints actually act as a chart that marks the progre! ss in yo ur attitudes, habits and mental thinking as well.

* Palmistry is a great revelation of the human mind. This can help a lot in the study of human body and other science researches. In other words, this science of hand lines study can help to not only bring in better things for the entire human kind but also help to better the society as well. It can be used to help counsel society criminals into adopting better life styles and methods.

In final analysis, palmistry is a branch of science that can bring in nothing but good for you. The future though unpredictable and out of your control, can be better dealt with if you are aware what you stand to face. Palmistry is in another sense another way of trying to substitute human reasoning for God's wisdom as revealed by scriptures. Like any other psychic science, this practice puts the mind of the individual to rest at ease by revealing to him the mysteries of nature better!

About the Author

Jack Liu is an experienced palm reader.This is her palm reading profile.

Why?- Fatalist Palmistry @Southgate House


Video Rating: 4 / 5

Little Giant Encyclopedia: Palmistry (Little Giant Encyclopedias)

You can actually change the physical lines on your hands by...taking your life into your own hands. With these proven methods for making the most of who you are, you can gain insight into your personality, character, talents, health, and sexuality. Based on the author's 30 years of research, this encyclopedic volume covers all the essentials of hand analysis as practiced in the West and shows how to put it all together to find the answers to specific questions—such as "Is he romantic? Intelligent?" "Is she domineering? Artistically inclined?" With over 400 illustrations, there is practical guidance on taking prints, organizing data, and doing your own readings, and also a revealing introduction to Indian and Chinese palmistry.

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