Article by Alan
Geometrical palmistry has been popularly used to describe the study of fingers. With the help of the lines, size, shape of the fingers and palm of an individual, the past life and future predictions of a person can be revealed. This information helps to get an idea about the past life occurrences and the future happenings that can be viewed by a well-trained expert who has acquired proficiency in the vast field of palmistry.
What is Geometrical Palmistry?
Over the past several years, palmistry has gained acclamation as a field of science that involves a proper study of the geometrical figures that get formed on the palm of a person. It involves a systematic approach and a proper understanding of the subject. This way, near correct predictions can be derived from the observations and time-tested proven events that occur in the life of an individual.
People can learn about the basics of the palm lines and fingers by referring plenty of data available on internet or by reading books on palmistry. However, it should be kept in mind that the knowledge of palmistry has its own advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, an individual should be prepared for the predictions so that they do not hurt a person or give any negative vibes. Instead, one should look towards them as suggestions and preventive measures and wisely utilize them to prepare for any sort of unlikely events that may happen in future.
What Does Geometrical Palmistry Comprise?
Basically, there are lots of geometrical figures that are present on the palm of a person. For example: a cross, a circle, a triangle, an Island, ring of Solomon, etc. Geometrical figures like this have certain attributes which denote future predictions. Study of palmistry involves analysis of the above mentioned geometrical figures whose position, curvatures and depth help the analysts to define the characteristics of a person.
Some of the most common geometrical figures that are studied in palmistry are as follows:
•The! Cross - The cross is the reverse of the star which denotes complexities in the life of a person, suffering, danger, and transformation in the status of life due to lots of difficulties. •The Circle - The circle is placed on the Mount of the Sun. It is usually believed to be a good sign as it's on the palm of a person, denoting success to the person who carries it. •The Square - The Square is called 'the mark of preservation'. Presence of a square pattern suggests that the person who has it has protection from the threats in life. •The Triangle - Presence of a triangle depicts additional success in life in areas like management of people in day-to-day affairs. •The Grille - The Grille is commonly present upon the mount region of the palm which represents obstacles associated with the victory of the meticulous mount.•The Island - The Island is believed to be an unfortunate geometrical sign which is related to inbred tribulations. •The Ring of Solomon - The Ring of Solomon denotes fascination for occult sciences. Sound knowledge about the above mentioned geometrical signs helps humans get an idea about their characteristics. Accordingly, they can take proper measures to save from future hazards, if predicted.
About the Author
Alan pointing provides information on palm reading, thumb reading
Very nice Article.Fingers having various lines .each line have an different meaning.the Solomon ring on any ones palm indicate the spirituality,emotions.The person having Solomon ring is identical.