Learn Numerology

Article by Lucy Hawkins

Learn Numerology:

Understanding and learning numerology is made simple. To learn numerology and the art of the mystical technique you must understand the basics first. All you need is the right information, method and materials with you. Let's first understand the very basis of numerology.

Numerology basically involves interpreting the numbers in various combinations that are used. These numbers have a lot of power in them and have the potential to influence and impact different aspects of life. Numerologists believe that the numbers from 1 to 9 are the core numbers which are single digit and independently used and all the other numbers consist of these combinations of core numbers which reflect different meanings.

The most basic way of practicing numerology is applying it to one's name or birth date. Calculating the birth date numbers is simple wherein one digit birth date's meaning can be found directly and a two digit birth date needs to be added together to get a single digit to derive its meaning.

In calculating the numbers of one's name, you need to know the alphabet and its corresponding numbers to understand what the name reflects as per numerology. After gathering all the corresponding numbers you may add it to get a single digit number or a double digit number. The double digit numbers could then be added to get a single digit number. Almost all numerologists use a standard chart to find the corresponding core numbers for each alphabetical letter. This chart can be easily found on the internet.

Numerologists also believe that while calculating numbers in any name or birth date you find three basic numbers, they are the - Expression Number, Motivation Number ad Persona Number.

Expression numbers reflect the purpose of life, and guides one on how to find and pursue their purpose in life. To calculate the Expression Number, you need to add all the digits of the letters in your name til you widdle them down to a single digit.

The Motiv! ational Number reveals the personal interest and aspiration of one's life. A person may not be aware of what he/she wants in life; hence this number helps in making one realize what their desires are of which they may be unaware. Numerologists also term it as the 'Soul Urge Number'. It can be calculated by adding the vowels present in a name.

The Persona Number reflects your persona, the way the world perceives you and the way you present yourself. The Persona Number can be calculated by adding all the consonants in your name.

Some numerologists are of the opinion that double digits which contain the same single digits are more powerful and are an enhanced and influential form of the original single digits and should be broken down further to single digits. For instance the number 11 when broken down will be 1+1 = 2, but when not broken down it is an enhanced form of 1. However the views of numerologists on this aspect vary all over the world.

The number '0' which doesn't contain any core number is said to add completeness to the core numbers, bringing in a sense of universal responsibility.

Click Here! for a FREE numerology reading and details of how to learn numerology using the best Numerology Course on the internet. Numerology can help you learn more about who you are and guide you to make better life choices.

About the Author

Lucy Hawkins is a leading authority in numerology, and has written many articles on the subject. For a FREE numerology reading along with details of how to learn numerology Click Here!


NUMEROLOGY CALCULATION. FREE Numerology Report: www.true-meaning-of-names.com Numerology Calculation. Life path numerology calculations. Full written info about numerology calculation on my website! Here's how to do life path numerology calculation. Discover step-by-step how to calculate your personal numerology life path number! Plus get a personalized FREE numerology report for you or a loved one. Enjoy this numerology calculation video!

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An introduction to Numerology. This is a language of symbols—the symbolism of numbers. Symbols serve to draw upon themselves the vast amount of knowledge that exists in the archetypal world. Archetypes are unique bundles of information, stored in the psyche until we have the means to attract their wealth into our lives. They convey knowledge of things that we previously did not know, or were not conscious of.

From the Author

To illustrate how to work out your own unique numerology I have plotted my own charts. In doing this I discovered so much more information about myself. It is easy just to run charts with the aid of a computer. However in doing so you may miss out on some extra knowledge and understanding which develops as you work through your own individual calculations.

About the Author

Elizabeth has a great love of books, reading and studying, she produces non-fiction personal growth e books with nineteen so far on offer here. Elizabeth has passionately studied whatever subject has interested her, some to the highest level, and along the way has amassed a huge amount of knowledge and understanding. Elizabeth is a Fellow of The Royal Society of Medicine, Founder member of the BPS Special Group in Coaching Psychology & Graduate Member of the British Psychological Society (BPS). Her qualifications include:- Doctor, Master and Bachelor Of Metaphysical Sciences, BSc Honours Degree in Psychology, Post Graduate Certificate - The Challenge of the Social Sciences, Registered Trauma Specialist, Diploma and Advanced Diploma in Nutritional Medicine, Diploma in Nutritional Therapeutics, Diploma in Nutrition, Diploma in Iridology and Diploma in Herbal Medicine.

Elizabeth runs the Festival of Light four times a year in her home town of Weston-super-Mare, Somerset, England where she lives with her grown up sons and greyhounds. Each month she can be found in Glastonbury, Somerset, England, running workshops on many subjects and selling crystals, amulets, s! ymbolic Tibetan silver, colour and healing jewellery.An introduction to Numerology. This is a language of symbols—the symbolism of numbers. Symbols serve to draw upon themselves the vast amount of knowledge that exists in the archetypal world. Archetypes are unique bundles of information, stored in the psyche until we have the means to attract their wealth into our lives. They convey knowledge of things that we previously did not know, or were not conscious of.

From the Author

To illustrate how to work out your own unique numerology I have plotted my own charts. In doing this I discovered so much more information about myself. It is easy just to run charts with the aid of a computer. However in doing so you may miss out on some extra knowledge and understanding which develops as you work through your own individual calculations.

About the Author

Elizabeth has a great love of books, reading and studying, she produces non-fiction personal growth e books with nineteen so far on offer here. Elizabeth has passionately studied whatever subject has interested her, some to the highest level, and along the way has amassed a huge amount of knowledge and understanding. Elizabeth is a Fellow of The Royal Society of Medicine, Founder member of the BPS Special Group in Coaching Psychology & Graduate Member of the British Psychological Society (BPS). Her qualifications include:- Doctor, Master and Bachelor Of Metaphysical Sciences, BSc Honours Degree in Psychology, Post Graduate Certificate - The Challenge of the Social Sciences, Registered Trauma Specialist, Diploma and Advanced Diploma in Nutritional Medicine, Diploma in Nutritional Therapeutics, Diploma in Nutrition, Diploma in Iridology and Diploma in Herbal Medicine.

Elizabeth runs the Festival of Light four times a year in her home town of Weston-super-Mare, Somerset, England where she lives with her grown up sons and greyhounds. Each month she can be found in Glastonbury, Somerset, England, running workshops on many subjects and sel! ling cry stals, amulets, symbolic Tibetan silver, colour and healing jewellery.

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