6 Common Misconceptions About Numerology Reading
Numerology has always been a popular concept. In fact, many people believe in its ability to tell the best things that can happen to a person as well as those bad ones. It has been relied upon, for many years, to give some insights to a person about what is in store for him in this lifetime. However, despite of all these, there are still misconceptions that people have about numerology. Oftentimes, these are also the exact same reasons why some people are skeptical about it.
1. Numbers make things happen and they influence the future
This is a very common believe that people hold about numerology. However, this is not true. Numerology does not predict what will exactly happen but it only gives an idea of what is possibly going to happen.
2. Changing names changes one's life
This is another fallacy. If one is experiencing a series of negative events in life, this is not because of his name. And changing a name will not bring better fate. The reality is that only hard work, accountability, and maturity can create a better future for any individual.
3. If numbers are given much importance in life, better things may come
Numbers are just tools for analyzing character and talent. But if these talents are not utilized and honed, still nothing good will happen.
4. If one's number is an unlucky number, only bad things can happen
Instead of letting a bad life number keep an individual from moving up and succeeding, this should be used to counter any temptation of staying stagnant. A bad number does not mean no happiness, fulfillment, or love will ever come.
5. Only the name one is popularly called is needed for a numerology reading
On the contrary, astrology and psychics say that the exact full and legal name of an individual wanting a reading must be used. This name is the one that appears in the person's birth certificate.
6. Only the numbers 5 and 6 are the best numbers
This is another misconception. There are many other numbers in the 8 series which are good numbers too.
One common and popular misconception about numerology is focused on the number 13. Many people believe it to be an unlucky number. For instance, Chinese people believe it to be a number of difficulties while in ancient Mexico, it is known as auspicious.
The root of the number 13 is 4 since 1+3=4. And number 4 tells us that anyone who has this number must develop discipline and stick to commitments.
Instead of thinking all negative things about this number, everyone is encouraged to learn the value of hard work, discipline, integrity, dependability, and patience.
So if you have a number 13, it does not mean that success and fulfillment are going to be difficult to achieve. It only means that there is a heavier pressure on your shoulders and that you must learn to accept responsibility for all that you wish to do. Doing things the easy way may backfire in the end. So you must learn to believe in your astrology while slowly and carefully work your way to the top.
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