A Hymn to the Mother Divine

by sweart

Article by G Kumar

To elevate our Consciousness, Sankara wrote a Hymn to the Divine Mother, the Raja Rajeshwari Ashtakam. This octet is good and can make our Kundalini rise!

Ambaa shaambhavi chandramaulir abalaa.aparnaa umaa paarvathiKaaLii haimavatii shivaa trinayanii kaatyaayanii bhairavii.Saavitrii navayauvanaa shubhakarii saamraajyalakshmiipradaaChidroopii paradevataa bhaghavathii shree raajaraajeshwarii

O Mother Divine of the nature of ConsciousnessO Celestial Deity GreatWith the noble attributes sixO Queen of all queens and kingsThou art the Mother of the Universe,The daughter of the mighty Himalayas,The consort divine of the Divine LordWith eyes triune - past, present and futureThou art the conferror of Royalty & FortuneWith the splendour of a thousand suns!Bestow on us Thy Bliss Celestial!

Ambaa mohini devataa tribhuvanii aana.ndasa.ndhaayiniiVaaNii pallavapaaNiveNumuraLii gaanapriyaalolinii.KalyaaNii uDuraajabi.mbavadanaa dhuumraakShasa.mhaariNiiChidroopii paradevataa bhaghavathii shree raajaraajeshwarii

Thou art enchanting and temptingO Mother of all the three worldsThou art the Seven Octaves of MusicThou art the Song and the PoemThou art the bestower of AuspiciousnessO Mother Divine of the nature of ConsciousnessO Celestial Deity GreatWith the noble attributes sixO Queen of all queens and kingsBestow on us Thy Bliss Celestial!

Ambaa nuupuraratnaka~NkaNadharii keyuurahaaraavaLiiJaajiichampakavaijayantilaharii graiveyavairaajitaa.ViiNaaveNuvinodamaNDitakaraa viiraasanaasa.msthitaaChidroopii paradevataa bhaghavathii shree raajaraajeshwarii

O Mother embellished with jewelsO Mother of the relative statesWaking, dreaming and dreamless sleepO Mother Divine of the nature of ConsciousnessO Celestial Deity GreatWith the noble attributes sixO Queen of all queens and kings!Bestow on us Thy Bliss Celestial!

Ambaa raudriNi bhadrakaaLi bagaLaa jvaalaamukhii vaiShNaviiBrahmaaNii tripuraa.ntakii suranutaa dediipyamaanojjvalaa.Chaamu.nDaashritarakShapoShajananii daakShaayaN! ii palla viiChidroopii paradevataa bhaghavathii shree raajaraajeshwarii

O Mother fierce and dreadfulO Time PersonifiedO Devourer of all as TimeO Wisdom PersonifiedO Mother Divine of the nature of ConsciousnessO Celestial Deity GreatWith the noble attributes sixO Queen of all queens and kings!Bestow on us Thy Bliss Celestial!

Ambaa shuuladhanuHkushaa.nkushadharii ardhe.ndubi.mbaadhariiVaaraahii madhu kaiTabhaprashamanii vaaNiiramaasevitaa.Mallaadyaasuramuukadaityadamanii maaheshwarii a.mbikaaChidroopii paradevataa bhaghavathii shree raajaraajeshwarii

O Universal Mother who destroys evilLust, greed, anger, jealousy,Sloth, covetousness, gluttonyThe negative elements of the human mindO Mother Divine of the nature of ConsciousnessO Celestial Deity GreatWith the noble attributes sixO Queen of all queens and kings!Bestow on us Thy Bliss Celestial!

Ambaa sR^iShTivinaashapaalanakarii aaryaavisa.mshobhitaaGaayatrii praNavaakSharaamR^itasaraH puurNaanusa.ndhiikR^itaa.OMkaarii vinutaa suraarchitapadaa uddanNDadaityaapahaaChidroopii paradevataa bhaghavathii shree raajaraajeshwarii

O Mother Divine of the VedasO Mother personified as GayatriThe Mantra which protects the chanterGayath thrayate iti gayathriO Thou personified as AUMWhich represents the states triuneWaking, dreaming and dreamless sleepAnd also TranscendenceO Mother Divine of the nature of ConsciousnessO Celestial Deity GreatWith the noble attributes sixO Queen of all queens and kings!Bestow on us Thy Bliss Celestial!

Ambaa shaashvata aagamaadi vinutaa aaryaa mahaa devataaYaa brahmaadi pipiilikaa.nta jananii yaa vai jaganmohinii.Yaa pa~nca praNavaadi repha jananii yaa chitkaLaamaaliniiChidroopii paradevataa bhaghavathii shree raajaraajeshwarii

O Deity of all deitiesO Thou who enchant the UniverseO Mother Divine of the nature of ConsciousnessO Celestial Deity GreatWith the noble attributes sixO Queen of all queens and kings!Bestow on us Thy Bliss Celestial!

Ambaa paalitabhaktaraajiranisha.m a.mbaaShTaka.m yaH paThet! Ambaalok akaTaakShaviikShalalitaa aishvaryamavyaahataa.Ambaa paavanama.ntraraajapaThanaaddantiishamokShapradaaChidroopii paradevataa bhaghavathii shree raajaraajeshwarii

O Prosperity PersonifiedO Thou who art the Prosperity EightfoldO Conferror of Bliss AbsoluteO Mother Divine of the nature of ConsciousnessO Celestial Deity GreatWith the noble attributes sixO Queen of all queens and kings!Bestow on us Thy Bliss Celestial!

About the Author

Article by G Kumar, numerologist, writer & programmer ofwww.eastrovedica.com. He has 25 years psychic researchexperience in the esoteric arts. He gives free tips athttp://www.eastrovedica.net and stock market investmentadvice can be got at http://www.stockmarketastrology.com


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