How to Follow Divine Guidance for Business

by mhobl

Article by Sara Wiseman

You can crunch the numbers, pour over the books, set goals and strategic plan-and all of this is smart business.

But you can also turn to a source that many harried business owners forget-following Divine guidance.

As a channel and psychic counselor, my work involves teaching folks how to have a direct connection with the Divine-a personal two-way communication between you and God/Source/Universe/One/All-whatever name you choose to give the Divine.

As you might imagine, this kind of hotline to Source can come in very handy when you're stumped on questions like:

* Should I raise prices?

* Refocus inventory?

* Get a new bookkeeper?

* Hire more staff?

* Change my hours?

* And so on.

Once you understand how easy it is to create a direct connection, you'll have access to clear, specific information from the Divine-the kind of information you can use, trust and rely on at every step.

As well as being psychic, I've also been a professional marketing consultant for decades-and I know the value of smart business practices. That said, I believe this: direct connection to the Divine is the fastest, smartest and most reliable source of business guidance you can get, hands down. I mean, consider:

* You and your calculator vs. Universal direction?

* You and your daily sales report vs. specific info from God?

In my book, the Divine wins hands down!

The trouble folks often run into when they go this route is threefold: 1) they're not sure how to have direct connection; 2) once they receive the information, they're not sure to how to interpret it; and 3) they aren't sure if it's "real" or they can trust it.

For 3), I can't help you-the decision to use and trust Divine guidance as a tool for your business requires a leap of faith.

However, 1) creating a direct connection is simple-all you need to do is find a quiet place where you won't be disturbed, go into a light trance by closing your eyes and breathing in a! relaxed way, ask to receive guidance and then simply wait to see what information you receive. (You'll find step-by-step details on the process in my new book Writing the Divine: How to Use Channeling for Soul Growth & Healing (Llewellyn).

For 2), all you'll need to know is that you'll receive Divine guidance in one of three ways, via:

* Clairvoyance, the art of psychic seeing

* Clairaudience, the art of psychic hearing

* Clairsentience, the art of psychic feeling.

What do these tools of psychic development look, sound and feel like?

Well, once you get over the idea that a posse of eight-foot-tall angels is going to come crashing into your business and start a meeting (and frankly, this could happen!) you'll be ready to receive. In most cases, Divine guidance is subtle, and often symbolic.

For example: if you are thinking of having a sale, and you ask the Divine for guidance, you might clairvoyantly see an image of a lemon in your head with the universal "no" slash over it, or you might clairaudiently hear the phrase " it's a lemon" in your mind's ear, or a spirit guide might appear and say "no lemons.""That sale idea is lemon" you'll eventually understand.

It's a silly example. But you get the idea.

The other thing? The Divine usually reveals just one clue or "strand" as I call them, at a time. It's like a scavenger hunt-ask for Divine guidance once, and you might learn you're supposed to buy a certain item for inventory. Ask another time, and you'll learn you need to raise prices. Ask yet again and you'll understand it's time for you to take some time off from your business! Each "strand" is presented in the correct time-the better to keep you moving and flowing with Universal energy.

Finally, the best part about using direct connection for business is this: your fear will leave you. As any business owner can tell you, it's been a very stressful year! But when you continually turn to the Divine for help, you experience a state of comfort, bliss, ! and love you cannot access anywhere else.

About the Author

Author, channel and psychic counselor Sara Wiseman has been a marketing consultant and professional writer for decades. She offers intuitive business consults at, and personal consults at Her book, Writing the Divine: How to Use Channeling for Soul Growth & Healing releases this November with Llewellyn.

SSS (3of14) How Astrology and Divinations Work

from Brian Brushwood's lecture, "Scams, Sasquatch, and the Supernatural." Brian reveals the hidden history behind astrology and shows the psychology tricks that make divinations possible. Learn More about Brian, his lecture, and his "bizarre magic show" at

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