Do You Think You Know What Tarot Cards Are?
Article by Tahlia Ceasar
This may surprise you but Tarot cards are based on more ancient concept actually. It calls Numerology.The Numerology theory is really very ancient.The Egyptians, the Jews, the Indians and of course the Greeks.You should realize that our behavior is influenced by the numbers energy.The letters are translated into numbers as well so our first name, last name, our birth dates and all kind of different dates in our lives has a meaning in this theory.Numerology and Tarot will be the best tools in your "life improvement tool box".If you want to understand different events in your past in order to plan your present and future better you need to use Tarot and Numerology.Numerology is the first theory that you need to learn before you will approach Tarot cards.Numerology attaches mystical significance for all of the numbers from 1 to 10. Significance of large integers than 10 is obtained by adding them until you get a number between 1 and 10. Like other mystical teachings, even numerology based on several sources, most of them are based on different traditions.As the astrology attaches particular significance a relative position of celestial sky, likewise Numerology attaches a certain meaning to any number of 1 to 10.Various commentators refer to various aspects of the same meaning and can find certain differences between the approaches.Numerology is the solution for some of your unsolved problems and can give you the peace and quiet you wish in your life.Numerology and Tarot reading is so much fun and important as well but learning those skills is even better.Tarot cards are very mysterious. We can only imagine what the source of Tarot cards is.There is only one way to say it, if you want to read Tarot cards properly you need to understand Numerology.A Numerology analysis gives us possible directions for development and we can realize the potential that we have.The road to change is in our hands of course.Back to Tarot -When the Tarot cards arrived to France the name "Tarot" was given to them. This name ! stuck to the cards more than a century after circulating in the continent (by then they were called "ballot victory"). There are a lot of discussions about the real name of those cards. The name, Tarot of Marseille, stuck to those cards because it was the France's second largest city, Marseille that mass produced these cards. Tarot cards that we see these days are the same as the Marseille design.Wow, this is stunning. We are holding today something that the ancient Egyptians and Hebrews use to have. Do not hesitate go right now to this page and get your first Numerology reading for free! Don't wait! Do you understand that you can make your own future right now?Good luck,Tahlia Caesar
About the AuthorMore from Tahlia Ceasar desk in her Tarot and Numerology site.
Tarot Reversals Lesson I
Learning the Tarot: A Tarot Book for Beginners
Learning the Tarot focuses in detail on the actual process ofdiscovering meaning in the cards. Lessons cover topics such as howto consider one card by itself, how to look for card pairs, and howto create the "story" of a reading.
A convenient reference section contains two pages of informationfor each card including a picture from the popular Waite deck, adescription, keywords, action phrases and suggestions for cardswith similar and opposite meanings.Learning the Tarot is a complete course on how to usethe tarot cards for personal guidance. The 19 lessons in the coursecover the basics and then move gradually into more advancedconcepts. Exercises and sample responses for each lesson help youlearn and practice. For simplicity, only one easy layout is usedthroughout the course - the Celtic Cross Spread.
Learning the Tarot focuses in detail on the actual process ofdiscovering meaning in the cards. Lessons cover topics such as howto consider one card by itself, how to look for card pairs, and howto create the "story" of a reading.
A convenient reference section contains two pages of informationfor each card including a picture from the popular Waite deck, adescription, keywords, action phrases and suggestions for cardswith similar and opposite meanings.
List Price: $ 19.95 Price: $ 19.95
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