How astrology can help you plan your future?
Article by Pandit Lokesh Jagirdar
From the ancient times India has been enlightening the world by presenting the various ways of predicting the future to help the world take some remedial measures before any mishaps or misshapen. Indian astrological art has always proved their accuracy and thus made the life of people much easier.
Jyotish the art of forecasting the future and knowing what can happen in future has been the prime invention of Indian sages and astrologers. Astrology in India has been in practice from the time when the world did not even hear about future forecasting or try finding the ways to know about the future. Jyotish has changed the life of many people around the world by letting them know about their future and also what to do and what to avoid in their life. Jyotish is a Sanskrit word which means the Lord of Light or Knowledge of Light.Jyotish is the word which in present times is known as astrology or Vedic astrology. Jyotish has a rich heritage of 5000+ years which has made the world aware of the effects of stars and constellations on their life and future. The Vedas which are considered as the base of Indian Spiritual and Religious mythology considers Astrology as the key influence in the Hindu culture. Vedic Astrology has helped astrologers to make many accurate astrology predictions about the life of people and let them know what they can expect from their future.
Astrology predictions have always attracted the attention of people because every person is very much curious to know about his future. Astrologers help people by preparing their birth charts or astrological horoscopes also known as Janm Kundli. Astrology can predict the future of an individual by taking into consideration the position of stars, time of birth, month etc. and help him to know about the incidences that will happen in his life and various other factors that will affect his life. With the help of astrological predictions people not only can know about their future but can also know about their sun sign, moon sign, plan! et's pos ition in different houses, gana, nakshatras etc. In short with the help of astrological predictions a person can know each and every single thing about his career, love life, marriage, health, success, property etc.
Astrology predictions not only influences the life of an individual but also helps the world to know what incidents like natural calamities will happen and what will be their impact on the people and nature all over the world. Nowadays astrological predictions are affecting each and every aspect of people's personal and professional life. People nowadays are taking advantage of astrology to know the major impacts that can happen in sectors like social interest, technology, economics, medicine, real estate, government etc.
From the ancient time to the present time astrological predictions has revolutionized the life of individuals and still helping them to explore their personal and professional life. Astrological predictions are letting people to know how to live their life by making decisive and correct decisions.
About the AuthorWith the help of astrology and astrology predictions you make your life good and prosperous. So take the help of India astrology services and plan a well structured future.
Astrology on the Cusp: Birthdays on the Edge of Two Signs
Is your birthday between two different signs? Discover new insights into yourself and others with this first-ever guide to cusp astrology.
We've all heard the term "born on the cusp"—but what does it mean, exactly? What if you were born just as the sun moves into Aries, but you feel more like a Pisces? If your birthday falls on a date when a sign changes over to another, you probably possess traits of each. Engaging and easy to use, this book goes beyond simple, cut-and-dried archetypes of sun sign astrology, yet doesn't require any special knowledge. You'll get a deeper understanding of your personality and motivations—and those of your partner, friends, family members, and anyone else whose birthday is on the edge of two signs.
Organized by date of birth, this astrology book lets you quickly look up your birthday so you can identify your particular strengths, gifts, and challenges. You'll also find out about your career and upcoming opportunities, times of the year when you can expect obstacles and rewards, and which signs are your best matches for love and romance. Helping to illuminate each cusp birthday's characteristics are examples of well-known figures such as Robert Redford and Meryl Streep.
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