Free Weekly Horoscopes For Week Of 13th March 2011

Article by Sammy Hely

Weekly Horoscope, Horoscops and Horoskops for the Week of the 13th March 2011

Aries Horoscope. This week your Karma or destiny should play itself out much to your advantage. In other words whatever happens was meant to happen. You may go through some emotional strain toward the weekend but you will find that it is on behalf of someone else. You might find yourself taking on a new responsibility because of or for a loved one. Follow your hunches this week as they should be on the mark.

Taurus Horoscope. Someone who loves you is helping you with a new responsibility that you are taking upon yourself. This help will make it a lot easier in the long run. Changes in your lifestyle are coming and you can already see it beginning to surface. Someone is asking to borrow money from you until their next payment comes in. You seem to be giving up one thing now to replace it with another which is more interesting.

Gemini Horoscope. During this week you may find your Karma or destiny has a hand in what is happening to you. Inspiration runs at a high level now so follow you hunches. There is an aspect that could mean violence through another person but you seem capable of defusing the situation if you only try. A problem with your mate or best friend may occur over the weekend so be alert to this happening.

Cancer Horoscope. Be very cautious with what you say and or commit to in writing this week. It could come back to haunt you at an unexpected time. Loved ones can be very provoking toward the end of this week. You will need to be very objective and practical at that time. If you are too emotional, stand back and get someone else to handle the situation for you. Do not take on more than you can manage at this time.

Leo Horoscope. Someone around you is going to be having a very high pressure and intense week. They may need some sound advice from you. This is a good time to stay out of it because no matter what you say or do, could end up wrong. You will have to allow people to mak! e their own mistakes. Your own intuition is running high this week so play your hunches. Your own Karma or destiny is being good to you now.

Virgo Horoscope. This is not a very good week to take on added responsibilities. You will have a hard time meeting any of these new obligations. Toward the end of this week something is being removed to leave room for something new. You may find this upsetting at first until you realize that what takes its place is much better. You need to be careful not to promise someone too much.

Libra Horoscope. You will need to play the grand peace keeper this week especially toward the weekend. Many of the people are feeling anxious by then and all that energy often comes out as anger. You may find yourself taking on a new responsibility because of or for a loved one. Money is not what it should be as people hold back for one reason or another. Late April sees an improvement in finances.

Scorpio Horoscope. Your budget again needs some reorganizing as you will see by this next weekend. Your work hours could also be rearranged by then to make things easier for you. During this period you should not commit anything to paper or make promises you may not be able to keep. This next weekend is going to be very intense for some reason so be prepared and be sure to keep your cool.

Sagittarius Horoscope. You may find that your Karma or destiny is catching up with you this week. This will mean a complete reorganization of your emotional state. You will be taking the easy way out but at the same time you will be shouldering a new responsibility. Your emotions are involved. All of this is leading up to a very intense week in which you will need to keep your wits about you.

Capricorn Horoscope. You may be giving up a friendship or secret love this week. You will replace him or her with another person. It is all done in an amiable manner and you will probably feel quite relieved about it. This is a time when you need to be very practical and objective. Some sort of new ! responsi bilities may be thrust upon you now and you will just have to handle them the best you can.

Aquarius Horoscope. This week you can easily become too serious or too suspicious and therefore delay a decision that needs to be made before it is too late. Try to take a safe path, a middle road path. Whatever heavy situation is taking place toward the weekend, it is somehow necessary and sorely needed. You could find yourself offering to take on a new responsibility because of love and caring.

Pisces Horoscope. There is some sign of anxiety around you this week. There may be a legal or insurance problem that pops up toward the end of the week with which you may have to deal. It looks as though someone needs a loan from you until some money comes in to them. Do not trust your own judgment toward the weekend and seek some wise advice from a trusted friend if you need it.

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