Self-help and Divine Harmony: The Secret to Manifesting Everything in Your Life!

Article by Jody Allen Gorran

God wants you to succeed. As taught in Jewish Spiritual Living, he would not have made YOU if he didn't want you to be successful. However, God doesn't work like an ATM machine. You can't simply put in your card, ask for something and it simply arrives. Miracles do not negate the laws of the universe. Miracles happen as a result of being in sync with God, ie. being in Divine Harmony. The point is that God has given us FREEDOM OF CHOICE. He's given everyone the tools to live a life in Divine Harmony. We all have the ability to live such a life. We simply have the FREE-WILL to choose how we wish to think and act. Will we DECIDE on a life in accord with Divine Harmony and the Laws of the Universe and be able to Manifest Health Joy and Success? Or will we decide otherwise? The decision is always ours!

Jewish Spiritual Living is a teaching for both Jews and non-Jews. It is the Universal Guide to Manifesting Health, Joy and Success by Helping You Find the Divine Harmony at the center of your life.

* Success is the reward for intelligent use of the laws of life by finding Your Divine Harmony!* Wealth is the answer to the true prayer, the practical form of spiritual striving.* All material power comes from the limitless source of Divine Supply.Abundant receipts brings a rich sense to your life.* Health is a natural outflowing of Divine Harmony. * Happiness is the privilege of everyone. God has ordained this as the standard for all.

In Jewish Spiritual Living, Harmony is described as the music of a life perfectly adjusted to all ends. It is the result of the rhythmic response of outer life to an inner sense of serenity. The degree of Divine Harmony within each of us is reflected in the degree of Divine Harmony which radiates out of us. When the body performs all its functions in ease, when the mind thinks clear and straight, when the soul is attuned to God, then only do we find the exquisite harmony of life. Sickness is a discord indicating that the instrument of bodily joy is out of tun! e and ha rsh. Ill-health will make the whole world a dissonance. Therefore, health-the harmony of the body-must be reestablished, and this is possible only through an understanding of the ways of God. Think health, and the very idea will penetrate the human system. Command the Sub-conscious mind to destroy the discords in the physical self, and to sound only the chords of vibrant health and joy. Be a master of the wondrous organ of your being, with its various stops and keys and go play upon the strings that you will evoke the song of songs-the harmony of Joy, Life, Love and Wisdom.

How many of us can say that our lives are perfectly adjusted to all ends! As a consequence, I have come to the conclusion that there are three main categories of people.

1. Those individuals who exhibit Divine Harmony.2. Those persons who are currently not in Divine Harmony but are working to find the Divine Harmony at the center of their lives.3. Those persons who are currently not in Divine Harmony and have chosen NOT to find the Divine Harmony at the center of their lives.

I am afraid that most people fall into category #3. I am also afraid that no matter how I try to spread the word about Jewish Spiritual Living and what it can mean to everyone, most people will ignore it. Why? Because I think that it involves real self-improvement and that involves work. I am afraid that most people will shy away from this when given the opportunity regardless of what it can mean in their lives. Which category are you in?

About the Author

Jody Allen Gorran, author of "Secrets of Jewish Spiritual Living" For Both Jews and Non-Jews, the Universal Guide to Manifesting Health, Joy and Success. Want to learn how you can bring Health, Joy and Success into your life? Read the online version of this book for *free* at: =>


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