Vedic astrology in India
Article by Pandit Lokesh Jagirdar
Vedic astrology deals with the knowledge of predicting future. Vedic astrologers strongly believe that karma plays an important role in people's lives that is the actions performed in your past lives, may affect your current life. The kind of steps that you perform today will decide your fate and future. The predictions about the fate of a person depend on the place of his birth, and also on planetary motion.
There are many people who may argue with the Indian astrologers that how can fate and future of an individual depend on this so called Vedic science, as they have a prenotion set in their minds which believe that fate is unpredictable. The science of Vedic astrology helps you in understanding some important questions about yourself like, who you are, and what are your strengths and weaknesses which can either make you a successful person or an unsuccessful person.
Vedic astrology also challenges you by assuring you that it can answer any question related to your career and most importantly the question about your life partner that is which kind of a match suits you. Vedic astrology helps a person to find his possibilities, but their destiny is something which for sure depends on them only.
It is a study of science which totally depends on the predictions made about the fate of a person. Both Western astrology and Vedic astrology have 12 zodiac signs, but they have different meanings in both the contexts. For example in western astrology Aries is the point of start, situated at zero degrees. But Aries in Vedic astrology is believed to be a fixed star and from here on the initiation of the first sign begins; this is the difference between the two types of astrology.
This was the overview of Vedic astrology, now we will divert our concentration on Indian astrologers. Astrologer is a learned person who has the full knowledge of the study which deals with the movement of planets and their positions with respect to each other and how these can affect an individual's life! in a po sitive or negative sense. The forecast and predictions which are done by an astrologer helps to find the consequences of all good and bad actions which were performed by you. There are many people who claim themselves to be astrologers but the truth of the story is that they don't have the proper and sufficient related knowledge and gives false prediction that, brings a disbelief in the minds of people about the study of this science. They do not even have the basic fundamental knowledge of astrology, resulting in fake predictions, which is obviously not the right way. Many people generally follow the same technique that they read some of the magazines on astrology and some related books and starts to give fake predictions on the basis of that little knowledge and without properly understanding the most important principles of the study of this science. Many Indian astrologers at the time of giving those fake predictions remain so confused and follow some methods which are wrong and defective for interpreting things.
There are some factors which can influence an astrologer. They are:
Mercury- it gives information about the intellectual power of an individual which is a very necessary element for an astrologer.
Moon- it indicates the strength of mind.
Jupiter- it gives information regarding the occult sciences.
Venus- this planet is very important as it gives information related to fame of a person.
About the AuthorSo these are some very important factors which must be present in you if you really wish to be a successful and truthful Indian astrologers. From last many years Vedic astrology is becoming popular and famous in all corners of the world, but know the level of interest is reaching great heights.
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