How Are Tarot Cards Used Today?

Article by Derek Rogers

Tarot cards can be used many different ways. They are mostly known for being a divination tools used in psychic readings. However, they can also be used in other spiritual and non-spiritual ways. A tarot deck is actually very diverse and can become many things, from a way to tell the future to a fun game to play with friends.DivinationThe best known method for using tarot cards is in divination. Divination is the process of telling the future or getting messages from the spirit world. When the tarot deck is used in this way each card has specific meaning attached to it. The cards are laid out in what is called a spread. The location of the cards in the spread, combined with the meaning of the individual card can give you specific information about yourself, your life and your future. The tarot can be used for divination by psychics or anyone, even those with no psychic power.When used in a tarot reading, tarots cards can give you simple answers or long, complex answers. It all really depends on what spreads are used and who is using them. Someone just learning to use the tarot may want to stick to simple spreads, while a more experienced person or a psychic can do complex spreads and even create their own spreads.MeditationThe tarot cards are rooted deeply in symbolism and they are very meaningful. Some people like to choose one card from the deck each day and use that card to meditate on. They will study the meaning of the card and meditate on how that relates to their life. Some people use a card they choose as a meditation tool, to serve as an affirmation. When doing this a person usually has a specific card that they use every time they meditate. This card may hold special meaning to them and aid them in reaching a meditative state when they focus on it.Develop Psychic AbilitiesSome people like to use the tarot as a tool to develop their psychic abilities. They will focus on the card and try to see what psychic images come up. They may choose a card that they do not know the symbolism or mean! ing for and see if they can figure it out through psychic power.Other UsesThe tarot may also be used as a study tool for those interested in symbolism. The tarot uses many symbols that are archetypes. These are symbols that humans know through instinct. Studying archetypal symbols can help us learn more about the human mind and how it works.The tarot can also be used as a creative tools for artists or writers who need inspiration. The images on the tarot are rather beautiful and can be quite inspiring. It can help a writer through writers block to just choose a card and start writing about what they see on the card. When the tarot originated it was used like playing cards. Some people today still use tarot cards to play games. The tarot is broken into suits just like a regular deck of cards and be used to play any type of card game played with regular playing cards.

About the Author

Keith Ward is the Founder and Director of the Circle of Professional Clairvoyants, which offers Psychic Readings with fully qualified Senior UK Clairvoyants and Psychics.


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