Numerology Calculation - A Very Simple Guide To Learn Numerology
Article by Michelle Talison
Each and every day we are exposed to tons of accounts and finances, monthly bills, phone numbers and even birthdays. Numerology calculation is looking at these various numbers and studying how they affect our lives. A basic example is using our full name our date of birth and reducing it down to one single number, which can tell you things about someone. What are your strength and weaknesses? What does the future hold for you? The study of numerology is actually closely tied to astrology, which assigns numbers to each celestial body in our solar system. Each of these numbers has a unique value assigned to it. As with Astrology, Numerology has been studied by many walks of like for thousands of years. It is documented that both the Babylonians and the Egyptians used it and some of their theories are still in use in modern day. Early Christian mysticism, the Indian Vedas and the Kabbalah are also noted to use numerology calculation.
Typically, numerology takes a given word or set of words and adds then together, reducing them down to a single number, which is called "digit summing". For example using the word "ace", a=1, c=3 and e=5, the sum being 9. The same procedure is done when adding up a longer number such as a birth date. Some numbers are not broken down this way because they are known to hold special meanings. Some examples of these are 11, 22 and 33.
Here are explanations of the numbers:
One (1) - Usually a male energy, seen as dynamic, happy and loving, but can also represent alone, or loneness. Also represents great power.
Two (2) - Usually represents a female energy and interaction, usually partnership. Can be two opposites as black and white.
Three (3) - I like to call the "street smarts" number, learning things with life experiences and understanding. Can represent something magical or lucky.
Four (4) - This is associated with the four directions, North, South, East and West as well as with t! he four seasons. It is also often associated with it's homonym Chinese word for death.
Five (5) - This can represent someone who has an addictive personality. Relates to the five senses, touch, taste, hearing, sight and smell.
Six (6) - Six is a strength number, as in a Mother and Father figure. This also related to beauty and diplomacy.
Seven (7) - Will always be a strong spiritual number, but can also mean deception.
Eight (8) - Represents one who seeks financial success and holds materialistic values. One can expect the unfortunate in seeking these things.
Nine (9) - Very significant for the nine months of carrying a baby. Holds a very humanitarian value as well.
One can use it to find meaning in your present situation or glimpse into your future, numerology calculation has been practiced for thousands of years and some find it an invaluable tool and resource.
About the AuthorTo Learn More About Numerology Calculation, please visit The Numerologist
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