Free Weekly Horoscopes For 22nd August 2011.
Article by Stuart D Hely
Aries Horoscope. Think carefully this week before you commit yourself to anything. Your normal habit of jumping to conclusions calls for a warning: "think before you leap". Mull over things BEFORE you finalize. A rash decision could lead to trouble especially on Monday. Someone may need your help with their plans and you will need to consider carefully before offering advice or help. Your quick response while driving may avert a serious accident.
Taurus Horoscope. Take off your blinders where love is concerned so that you may see what is actually happening. You may not want to talk with someone on Monday because it can easily turn into an argument. You may want to wait a few days for things to cool down. You have been putting a strain on your resources lately either financial and or physical. It is time to step back and ease off. Give it a rest.
Gemini Horoscope. You have been under a tremendous strain lately. It is either self imposed or it might be caused by others. Sometime this week the pressure reaches an explosive level but then begins to slowly ease. You are too quick to argue on Monday and Tuesday so be careful of what you say or write. Someone may decide to leave you this week so be extremely prudent and say only what you really think and mean.
Cancer Horoscope. You need to keep receipts of all bills this week as a payment is easily lost or misplaced. Go over your check book too for possible errors. An opportunity is dancing around you if you care to look carefully for it. Be aware, as always, whilst driving - people are in a hurry as usual. On Monday they are not paying enough attention to traffic conditions. Any pressure that has been building in the background starts to ease slowly.
Leo Horoscope. This is a week you must keep all your receipts because payments can become lost or attributed to someone else. Double check your figures carefully, especially in your bank accounts. It appears that you have a tendency to dramatize a little more than usual and exaggera! te every thing. You have more money in your pockets for the next few months and you need to save some for those lean periods.
Virgo Horoscope. Any plans that you make now will be difficult to work out to your liking. They will require extensive work on your part. You must be careful driving this week and be sure NOT to drink while driving as you may be stopped. Who needs to the results of THAT? You are too quick and too fast now and a ticket for speeding could be the least of your problems. The pressure that has been building up, slowly starts to fade away.
Libra Horoscope. Money is on the way and starts to flow in again to your pockets as your spending eases up. You need to be aware on Monday as you drive, others are in a rush and they seem to be daydreaming rather than paying attention. This is not the time for important decisions to be made and acted upon. You need to wait a week or so before firming up any plans of action if you want to be successful.
Scorpio Horoscope. Make no firm decisions for at least a week because you may do the wrong thing. Your cash is probably a little tight right now and will remain that way until next month. It seems that people are accident prone this Monday. Keep your eyes open as you may have a tendency to let your mind wander off and daydream this week. Try not to dramatize or exaggerate things for the next month.
Sagittarius Horoscope. Monday may be the start of a trouble period so be careful driving. You have a tendency to act too fast so be careful around machinery or any kind of weapon. The pressure that has been building up around you comes to a head this week. You could possibly take on a second job or go into a business on your own. This is while you are still working your present job for its steady pay check to keep you going.
Capricorn Horoscope. Some sort of a problem is brought to light on Monday through a secret talk that you are having with someone. However, you have the answer to it immediately and someone may lose their job because o! f it. An y pressure you have been under begins to slowly ease after that incident. You are beginning to see some great opportunities and you should be acting on them in the very near future.
Aquarius Horoscope. You are getting in the habit of seeing everything through rose colored glasses. In other words you are seeing only the best in someone who is very close to you. Take off your blinders and take another careful look. All is not as you have perceived it. You may have to do some drastic rethinking and withdraw from your "dream world". Keep all your receipts this week because a payment may become lost or misplaced.
Pisces Horoscope. Somebody is leaving home this week thinking that it will be without problems. However, it really does not work out as well as they hope. Perhaps you can talk some sense into them if they are willing to listen. Be aware of the traffic around you as you drive on Monday and Tuesday. People are in a hurry and their minds are wandering. Quick thinking and fast moves on your part may avert a serious accident.
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