Quick List of Horoscope and Astrological Events in 2012

With the new year just having started and with the many news revolving around the coming apocalypse this year, people have become interested Astrological Events in Year 2012in horoscopes and astrology, as well as in their zodiac signs. It would pay well to know what this year has in store for each one of us. Having an idea of what can possible happen can brace us up and, perhaps, help to deviate from our usual ways to avoid letting negative and unwanted things to happen.

So for those who have not looked into their horoscope yet, this article would help very much. Do read on and see what to expect this year of the Water Dragon.

1. January is going to be good for the love life of those who were born under Pisces, Taurus, Virgo, and Scorpio. This is because of the retrograde of Mars that begins on the 23rd.

2. February is perhaps the longest time that Neptune stays in Pisces. Though all people's lives will be affected by this, people who are Virgo, Scorpio, and Pisces will have fantasy and romance in their love lives.

3. March would not be as affective as the first two months. It will just keep itself busy enhancing the relationship experience of those born under Scorpio and Capricorn.

4. On the 6th of April, a Supermoon or a New or Full Moon will occur. With this, we are to expect that there will be extreme natural phenomena like earthquakes and other natural weather occurrences. And when Mars changes to direct motion on the 23rd, the aggressor in a lawsuit will get a better hearing. This is because in general, the victory goes to the defender when retrograde.

5. For those who have missed the Supermoon on April, another one will occur on the 6th of May and will be followed by a Solar Eclipse on the 20th.

6. There will also be a Lunar Eclipse on June 4th which also happens to be a Supermoon. This particular event is going to affect most especially those who were born under Sagittarius and Gemini. They are going to have to suspend making relationship decisions at this point. Leo and Aquarius people will also have some role in this period.

7. July is the time when Mars enters Libra, particularly on the 3rd, and will be opposite Uranus on the 18th. The first event will be fun for those born under Aries and Gemini especially when it comes to competitions.

8. August is the time when people cannot seem to get done things which need to get done. However, it may be perfect to join major projects but will also be taking too much time from the relationships of people born under Libra and Capricorn.

9. Though September may not be as "colorful" as the other months, a "global" event will occur like the square of Uranus and Pluto. This event will mean some monetary policies for certain governments. Power and shocking events may occur in the love lives of those born under Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn.

10. Relationships of people born under Taurus and Cancer may firm up in the month of October.

11. November will have two eclipses. First is a solar eclipse on the 13th and the second is a lunar eclipse on the 28th. As far as romance is concerned, it is Cancer that gets the most benefit from the first eclipse. And for the lunar eclipse, Leo people will be the ones who will be opposed in their romantic adventures.

12. December will have a New Moon on the 13th. And since this is also a Super-moon, we are to expect weather disturbances and seismic activity.

And the very controversial date, December 21, 2012, marks the end of the Mayan calendar. It is called the B' ak 'tun which means a sequence of 144,000 days. Nobody could really assure that this is doomsday. However, it may be noted that 2012 is an active astrological year. In fact, it is more active than the other years.

These information just show that astrological signs are necessary in order to prepare us for what lies ahead.


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