Olive Wood Cross: Bring Divine Spirituality to Your Home
Article by Frank Vidal
Without a doubt hand carved Olive-Wood-Crosses have been acknowledged to beautify homes of great number of families. Olive wood crosses look incredible and add divine spirituality to your home. The religious symbolization of these crosses makes an exquisite statement to your home. What is really appreciated about this Holy item is how it brings out the spirit of Jesus when it is hanging on your wall.
There are two reasons why people would like beautiful Olive wood displaying in their home.
1. To feel the special love our savior Jesus had for all of us when he sacrificed himself on the cross for our sins. A sacrifice that no normal man can possibly endure much less the son of God.
2. The expert craftsmanship of an authentic Olive wood cross hand made in the Holy land of Jerusalem. Personally crafted religious wooden crosses are very much in demand by men and women that want a piece of a holy item made in the place where it all happened.
The Olive tree is a small but very long living species of tree. Olive wood is hard, heavy and strong with high overall density. In Jerusalem, in which they are very plentiful, are one of the first trees to be cultivated for agricultural purposes. The tree is famous for its fruit along with the oil that is produced from it. The high quality wood is used for building furniture and is a favorite among carpenters.
Olive wood is significant, to many Christians, because our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ was crucified on a cross made of this kind of wood. It was on this cross that he pleaded to god when he said "Forgive them Father they know not what they do." Luke 23:34. He also proclaimed "Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise" Luke 23:43. The significance of the crucifixion is that, he took on the sins of man on himself, with the brutal suffering that he received from the vicious beatings and his eventual crucifixion. The Romans always had the person to be crucified carry the wooden cross on which they will meet their f! ate.
In conclusion purchasing a Olive wood cross or other authentic Jerusalem handmade products are a very personal and faithful decision that many families are making. Having a piece of the Holy land is a blessed way to connect with your own spirituality and to God.
About the AuthorFrank Vidal, Writer and Owner of http://www.GodFaithSpirit.com Follow me on Facebook and Twitter @GodFaithSpirit
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