Your Weekly Horoscopes For The Week Of 2nd October, 2011

by jspad

Article by Stuart D Hely

ries horoscope. Your friends seem to be taking advantage of your good will. Any plans for property you hope to buy or sell have been put on hold until February or possibly June. There may be some good publicity that includes your picture and/or name toward the end of this week. You may be feeling a bit irritable or frustrated right now but that is because you have excess of energy and nowhere to apply it.

Taurus Horoscope. You could find yourself helping out someone who lives in your neighborhood as your friends impose on your good will. It is just as well since you have an excess of energy right now anyway. Money is coming in but you seem to be wasting the excess funds instead of saving it for later when you really need it. Stay on watch for an excellent opportunity that will present itself about a month from now.

Gemini Horoscope. You are into a busy period of working very hard for everything you achieve. However, all this will taper off by next February and everything will be much easier to obtain with very little work on your part. At that point your plans and objectives will also change because one large goal will have been reached. So have patience because your hard work now will be paid in full at that time.

Cancer Horoscope. You are infused with energy now and have no place to put it all. If you do not get busy doing something you will internalize all this energy and it will change into irritation and frustration. You need to be busy right now. Missed opportunities plague you so keep your eyes and ears open. This is not a good time to take up a new study. Stay with what you have until next month. Do not overextend your credit.

Leo Horoscope. There could be some important publicity this week that places your name and/or picture before the public. You now have several planets acting in your favor for the next two weeks or so. Hopefully you will take advantage and do or start something important during this time because success is almost guaranteed. However, be sure ! that you do not overextend your credit or finances.

Virgo Horoscope. Anything associated with buying, selling or fixing up property is still on hold and will probably remain so until February. Be careful with your finances and do not overextend your credit at this time. Some of your friends may be imposing on your good will now and you will have to explain how busy you are. Ideas for making extra money are percolating but will not go into effect until later this month.

Libra Horoscope. Keep your eyes and ears open for opportunities as you have been missing out on them. At this point you are finding most of your social activities dull and stuffy. Duty calls and you are obliged to attend anyway. This is not a good time for new studies or changing your courses. Stick with what you already decided upon. Beware of overextending your credit which results in financial difficulties for you.

Scorpio Horoscope. Your financial picture seems to be getting better and better. Hopefully you have a savings account that is in a growing mode. You are on the right track so stick with it and do not change your direction at this point. If possible, you should try to stay away from airplane travel toward the end of this month. You should also stay away from joining any kind of club at this time. Neither one will do you any good.

Sagittarius Horoscope. You have a particular goal or objective in mind for yourself but it appears that it may have been put on a hold status. By next February everything clicks into place. Be patient and keep working hard for what you want. It will not be in vain as you will realize this in just four more short months. Right now you have to reach out and keep the ball rolling until then to keep things in line.

Capricorn Horoscope. You have an abundance of energy stored up right now but with no place to spend it. This causes some irritations and frustration and you need to be careful where you direct it. If you can stay busy for about two more weeks you will find that it would be! the bes t time to use this excess energy. Money comes in for one more week and then tightens up again for a month so be careful of how and where you spend it.

Aquarius Horoscope. This is an excellent time for giving up smoking or any other bad habit that bothers you. You have a tendency to overlook everyones faults including your own. This can be fine in some circumstances but it may put you in with the wrong group of people. You could gain some good publicity this week and perhaps even have a picture taken of you. By the end of the month you may join a club of some sort.

Pisces Horoscope. Friends may be imposing on your well known good nature and you may have to explain your busy position. You may be missing a valid opportunity so take a good look around you. Your social activities seem a bit dull and stuffy right now but that will change in another week or so. Be very careful not to over extend your credit now. Tighten up on your wasteful spending or you will run into trouble.

About the Author

Your free weekly horoscopes are brought to you by Stuart H, famous provider of your free horoscopes by email and on the net.


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