Weekly Horoscopes For 25th July 2011

Article by Stuart D Hely

Aries Horoscope. Your personal affairs are beginning to move forward again now. Things that seemed to be at a standstill are now going in a direction that should prove to be to your great advantage. The good news may lag a bit and take a couple of weeks to reach you however. A change of direction is just what you need at this time. You need to revamp your schedule and try new things or new directions.

Taurus Horoscope. You need some new friends to spice up your life. Clear the decks for new people and new opportunities that can come your way if you put in some effort. Extra money may be in your pocket by the end of this week. Some company may also surprise you mid week. Most of your attention for the next month is focused on your home and family. Gardening and landscape plans move ahead during this time.

Gemini Horoscope. You should wait two more weeks before you make a complete change from your old ways to new ones. You need to be completely sure of what you are doing or what you think you want to do. The pressure on you starts to ease up a bit from this week so you can think more clearly. You should not let yourself be forced or pushed into something that will not work out well. Extra money comes in now.

Cancer Horoscope. Travel plans and menu planning for guests require your close attention this week so you will be right in your element. You are feeling very creative now and could easily invent something new and dramatic. New bedroom furniture may be topping your list but you need to think twice before giving away that old set. Do not be pressured into something you truly do not really want.

Leo Horoscope. It appears that you will be concentrating on things to do with yourself this month. It is about time too. You will feel an added flair for the dramatic during this period and the need to organize your life a little better. You should also be feeling more confident now that the action around you finally starts moving forward again as you wish. This is a good time to ex! periment with a new look. You will enjoy the change.

Virgo Horoscope. The pressure that you have been feeling lately begins to ease off now and you are starting to relax a bit. This is not the time to make any drastic changes in you life because they will not turn out the way you want. You may be asked to take on a job someone else messed up but if you do, the pressure to perform starts all over again. Think carefully before taking on a new job this month.

Libra Horoscope. It is about time for you to relax now as the situations around you ease off somewhat. Your very active imagination has been working overtime lately with all the worst case scenarios possible. Now you will face the actual facts and see that it was all for nothing. This looks like being a good year for you to buy or sell a business or real estate since profits may well be good. Extra money comes in handy towards the middle of this week.

Scorpio Horoscope. Since you have a whole year full of offers and opportunities ahead of you, you should think carefully and accept only the best deals. Sometime within this year you might even get married. If already married, you may add to your family. The first week of August is your best bet for either one to happen. An unexpected trip could suddenly come up by the middle of this week. It is for both business and pleasure.

Sagittarius Horoscope. The pressure that has been on you this past week has been brutal but now it begins to ease off a bit. Be sure the new direction you are going in is what you actually want and not something that is being forced upon you. Test it out for a few weeks if possible and then make a judgment. This is a very busy month coming up for you. Your life is changing now so be prepared.

Capricorn Horoscope. Monday of this week seems to bring out some hidden business problems that cause some new pressure on you. However, in your usual manner of logical thinking, you will take it step by step and solve it all. A one year partnership may be formed now which ! turns ou t to the advantage of both parties. You should be in a good position by the first week of August when a nice financial gain comes in.

Aquarius Horoscope. You could find yourself taking an unexpected trip this week either for business or pleasure. A sudden visit to or from a family member happens this week. This is a good time to experiment with a new look and perhaps add to your wardrobe. You are in a very creative mood this week so take advantage of it and put it to good use. You should have some extra money this week to spend on yourself.

Pisces Horoscope. This appears to be the time not to accept new work projects. If you do you will be pressured into performing things their way whether their way is right or wrong. You need more freedom for your skills and will find that you will not do well when pressured. This is not the time for a new direction or change of jobs. You will find that opportunities will be offered to you sometime during this year so it may be best to wait for the right one.

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