How To Be A Gifted Psychic - An Art Or Science?
Article by Ben Thydig
Psychic power is a mysterious subject that has remained unstudied since time immemorial. A true psychic is someone who can see or perceive things that others cannot. However, usually man is a bit scared and confused regarding such powers and abilities.
While most of us possess psychic abilities to some extent, only a rare few demonstrate high psychic skills.
All of us possess the ordinary five sense organs in us but psychic individuals have an extra sense within. With the help of this sixth sense, they are able to see, hear or perceive that psychic information from the environment which is otherwise not perceivable to a common man.
Some psychics possess the power of precognition, predicting what the future holds, while some others possess the reverse retrocognition and talks about the past. There are even some who can see spirits and other forms of energies that are otherwise invisible.
Various names have been given to such individuals such as fortuneteller, oracle reader, soothsayer, etc.
In fact, there have been myriads of pretenders to be truthful, and those people have added fuel to the fire of controversy.
Instead of false pretensions, one must realize that those very psychic powers are present within him as well. Hence, it is a better idea to develop such abilities and become a true psychic and use such abilities whenever required.
Once you are ready to embark upon this journey, you have to learn the ropes of meditation so as to be able to balance your mind, emotions and spirit effectively.
True psychic people are masters at mind cleansing. They cleanse their minds and rid it off all negative emotions and thoughts so as to keep it open and ready for receiving the energy vibes from both known and the unknown of the environment.
If you meditate and practice your psychic abilities regularly, you will instantly come alive. There will be a sense of happiness and understanding and you will feel creativity bursting from within.
Create a s! chedule and take time out for meditation at least for 30 minutes each day. Spending thirty to sixty minutes of focused concentration will remove all negativity from your mind and thoughts.
Find suitable location for your regular meditation sessions. It can be a spot inside your house, in your backyard, in a nearby park or even in a cave but it should be somewhere you can concentrate without getting disturbed.
Start by experiencing the flow of emotions and feelings in your body while you meditate and learn the techniques of deep breathing and intense concentration to keep any negative thoughts at bay.
As you practice more and more, you would be able to tune in to the higher vibrations and be aware of the different types of energies around you. The infinite energy of the cosmos connects everything in it and when you can successfully tune in to this energy, all your psychic abilities will be developed to their full potential.
Since practice makes you perfect, try psychic activities like tarot card reading or palmistry amidst friends and family to practice your skills more. Make sure that the subject is open minded so that sensing of the psychic images or vibrations are easier for you.
Daily practice is the best approach to developing one's psychic powers. Regular meditation can hone your skills towards viewing the energetic aura that surrounds each person. When you become a pro you will be able to discern one's colour and size of the aura without intense concentration.
Moreover, you would now be able to identify the true intentions of people from their auras and even be aware of their illnesses which they themselves do not know about.
As your psychic powers continue to grow strong you will be able to catch glimpses of past, present, and even future events. At this point, you must work incredibly hard and develop your psychic powers even further so you can channel these abilities on command.
A topic that has been the epitome of controversy as well as intense fascinatio! n is the psychic ability of being able to communicate with the dead. Infact, there are strong reasons as to why children are more adept as this.
We adults have been taught to fear the unknown since years now and hence children are much stronger since they still have an open mind. We have to relearn to lower our defenses and remove the fear of the unseen and unknown.
So always remember that psychic powers are stronger in children since they will be open to ideas which they do not comprehend. They will try to communicate back to the spirit till the time an adult interferes and forces them to erect defenses against the unknown.
Taking the lesson from the children, one must now free his mind off all fears and negative feelings about the spirit world and the unseen per se. Only when you have an open and positive mind, can you connect with the different forms of energies in the environment.
Psychic powers are true natural occurrences and the factors of how much we are born with and how much we eventually block out are the factors that make the difference.
A bit of time and effort on yourself is all it takes to develop and strengthen the latent talents within with which you can change your life and the world around you.
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