Your Weekly Horoscopes For The Week Of 1st August 2011

Article by Stuart D Hely

Aries horoscope. This week your mind and hands are quick and alert which means you can quickly side step situations that annoy or seem dangerous. You are tending to personal business now and clearing up several debts. This is a good time to start on an rigid exercise program because you would succeed with it. Some exciting news may come in on Monday that should benefit your future.

Taurus Horoscope. This week you should be feeling very happy and contented as your personal popularity seems to soar. Foreign investments may pay off in the very near future. You could be thinking of purchasing a piece of jewelry as a gift to yourself or some close friend. You should also be thinking of paying off a rather large debt since money seems to be finding it's way into your pocket now.

Gemini Horoscope. It appears that you have just learned an important lesson in life or business and are now feeling more content with yourself. Money is much easier to come by this month as it will be during the next month or so. You are taking care of business now and paying off bills. This is a time when all the good Karma you have built in the past comes back to help you with any personal problems.

Cancer Horoscope. This is a happy and contented period for you as your family gathers around you and your personal popularity soars. Foreign investments pay off now. A gift of jewelry comes your way - perhaps an engagement ring. This is a great time to start paying off some of your debts. Personal problems can be attacked and solved to everyone's benefit. Good news comes in to you about business or a job.

Leo Horoscope. This week you are taking care of your personal business, making applications or paying off loans. Some exciting news about investments may come in now so you are able to make some concrete plans. Any good Karma that you have built up in the past will come forward now to help you. Remember - A take charge attitude brings you success. This may be a good time to buy or sell property.

Virg! o Horosc ope. Some sort of an offer may be made to you from a friend now. It should be a good opportunity for you to show them what you can actually do. Your mind is quick and alert this week and others will appreciate your business knowledge and quick wit. Much as you did last year, you should do again this year since you were and are still headed in the right direction. Money should be on the increase now.

Libra Horoscope. You now have several of the planets in a favorable position to your sign. This means good luck is with you and it is time to do something important to enhance your life style. This is an excellent time to pay off debts and attack any problems you may have. You may soon receive some exciting news about finances. Any good Karma that you have built in the past helps you now in many ways.

Scorpio Horoscope. You may be receiving some type of a gift this week - probably jewelry. Extra money should be jingling in your pocket now and you feel like spending some on a new wardrobe. An opportunity opens up for you through a friend. This could improve your finances in the near future. Any good Karma that you have built in the past helps you now with any problems that you may face.

Sagittarius Horoscope. This week you should be busy with your personal affairs, making reservations, writing letters, making applications and paying up your bills. Any good Karma that you have built up in the past will help you now so it is time to settle those nasty problems. This is a time when you can really shine. A take charge attitude may be required. Some exciting news may come your way the first of this week.

Capricorn Horoscope. You could possibly find yourself traveling in a new direction by next week. Circumstances are changing rapidly and you must change along with them. You have your eye on the money right now and good opportunities are opening up for you. A partnership entered into now has a very good chance of being a big winner. Foreign investments or goods bring in the cash to you now.

Aqu arius Horoscope. You have someone willing to help you solve your problems this week. They will take charge of your affairs if need be. The good Karma you have built in the past is being repaid now so allow your partner or friend to shine. This is a good time to start a new exercise program since it would be beneficial to your health. Some exciting news could possibly be heard by the first of this week.

Pisces Horoscope. An opportunity opens for you through a close friend and you have an excellent chance to improve your finances. A piece of jewelry is either given to you or received by you now. This is a time when all the good Karma you have built up in the past rewards you with help. Personal problems should be attacked and solved during this period. This is also good time to start some type of art lessons.

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Leo Horoscope for May 2011 - Diana Garland Horoscope Leo for 2011 May. Other signs for this month: Other Months for this sign: Need toknow what a Rising Sign is? See here: For more information on Diana Garland, or for your free monthly Sun sign forecast, please visit Disclaimer All information is provided for entertainment purposes only. It's ever such a foolish law.

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