October Horoscope 2011
Article by Navisa
ARIES OCTOBER HOROSCOPE AND ASTROLOGY PREDICTIONS 2011 (Mar. 21- Apr. 20)Having gotten a powerful jolt from the Solar and Lunar Eclipses don't act like it's business as usual. No, it is now time to go slower, give fuller disclosures on your business plans and see how what you're up to can benefit all of those involved. The days of self-interest, enlightened or in the dark, are kaput-done, over with. You fire-breathing Daredevils need to have a longer end game. It would help matters to run your ideas by someone saner and perhaps soberer than you are. With Pluto in Capricorn reigning for many years to come, it is the firm foundations that will win in the end.
TAURUS OCTOBER HOROSCOPE AND ASTROLOGY PREDICTIONS 2011 (Apr. 21- OCTOBER 21)The two Solar Eclipses and two Lunar Eclipses-two in February and two in August-could have derailed some of your plans, like emotional and financial security but your Bulls are tougher than nails. There are still a lot of power pulls at work for you, like Saturn in Virgo and Jupiter in Capricorn-soon to be rejoined by Pluto in the Sign of the Goat-and Uranus in Pisces is also adding momentum to your asset side of the ledger. Neptune in Aquarius is still spewing too much over-optimism, so pick your lovers as carefully as you do your stocks. All of us are having to reevaluate where we stand in the dollars and cent world-you do the same.
GEMINI OCTOBER HOROSCOPE AND ASTROLOGY PREDICTIONS 2011 (OCTOBER 22-June 21)Saturn in Virgo has already retooled and reconstructed you early degree Twins (May 22 - 30) but you had still better pay close attention to the New Moon in Virgo conjunct Saturn on August 30th. This configuration could make you wonder if that proverbial black cloud is restricted to you Geminis-it ain't-we are all having to deal with the fall out of bad money decisions we made years ago. You caught a breather from the four eclipses this year and you innately have the ability to bounce back and change directions faster than most signs. Stay the course. ! October is your month to feel freer.
CANCER OCTOBER HOROSCOPE 2011 AND ASTROLOGY PREDICTIONS 2011 (June 22-July 22)With Saturn blessing you for another plus year-although it is playing havoc with Virgos and Pisces-the sextile to the Moon Child is delicious. The opposition from Jupiter in Capricorn is a draw-the opposition only makes you more aware when others are leaning too strongly on you or your pocketbook. When Pluto moves back into Capricorn in late November to stay until 2023, you will have major adjustments to make. The opposition is easier to take than the conjunction because when a heavyweight planet like Pluto is directly in front of you, you can see the need to change quicker and easier. For now, be picky about who you nurture and who needs to make do without help from you.
LEO OCTOBER HOROSCOPE AND ASTROLOGY PREDICTIONS 2011( July 23-Aug 22)Now that the Solar Eclipse in Leo has blessed you and the Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius has mirrored what to let go of, take stock to see what to do with your good fortune. There is an old truism that when eclipses come along, those who deserve good fortune will reap it many times over. But those who have been lying to their employers or spouses or cheating their way to get ahead or stealing what does not belong to them, it will be 'pay day some day.' The piper will knock on your door and say, "It's payday!" The piper could be the repo guy, or a Federal Marshall with a warrant or it could be a real estate broker with a full price offer. You Leos are about to get what you deserve.
VIRGO OCTOBER HOROSCOPE AND ASTROLOGY PREDICTIONS 2011 (Aug. 23 -Sept. 23)If you have been feeling like life is one long haul with no end in sight I will give you an old saying from recovery circles that worked for me in the beginning days of living my life sober: life is a bus ride, not a destination. Saturn is making you better every single day that you live. If there is one sign that can live life on life's terms it is you Virgos. Chant "it's the glass half-full, not half! -empty"; "my life is none of my business" and "God built the world one day at a time". You are still getting that majestic trine from Jupiter-relish in it and thank God for a big favor.
LIBRA OCTOBER HOROSCOPE AND ASTROLOGY PREDICTIONS 2011 (Sept. 24 -Oct. 23)When you wake up every morning during this Virgo Sun Cycle say to yourself, "I am not responsible for my wife or husband or lover or my friends and I am not who my enemies think I am." There are so many challenges for you even-keeled Scales of Justice that your primary concern right now should be tending to what's on your plate and letting the rest of the world go by. This is a new ballgame and there are ever-changing rules, and the one you should adopt as a mantra for getting through the day is "I am doing the best I can with what I have left."
SCORPIO OCTOBER HOROSCOPE AND ASTROLOGY PREDICTIONS 2011 (Oct. 24 - Nov. 22)The worm finally turns for you deep and profound thinkers, now that you have learned that you can't think your way into right living but you can live your way into right thinking. Your ship is finally pulling into dock and you will know exactly what to do with what's onboard. You have learned how to keep your eyes on the prize and have laid good solid floors beneath your ideas, so strike up the band and get on with the show-your audiences await your best performance ever. (Don't forget to thank your HP for your good fortune!)
SAGITTARIUS OCTOBER HOROSCOPE AND ASTROLOGY PREDICTIONS 2011 (Nov. 23 -Dec. 21)You should have seen some tried and true benefits from all the eclipses this year. 'The best things in life' could have been your high school cheer, but now that you are older and hopefully have learned from your easy street days, you can move forward with those new job plans; an exciting career strategy lies just ahead of you. Known as one of the few signs who amazingly and effectively reinvents himself or herself, the sound you hear are the roars of approval as you make your next life change at work. We'd like to remind yo! u that n ot all of us have the Sag's sense of humor, so save the repartee for friends at the barbeque or TGIF get-together.
CAPRICORN OCTOBER HOROSCOPE AND ASTROLOGY PREDICTIONS 2011 (Dec 22.- Jan. 20)With the Full Moon in Virgo September 15th you should be finishing one phase of your master plan, ready to move to the next stage. You have a long run-of-show-at least until 2023-to finish up what you've started-but there are a lot of short-term pay-outs for you this month. As the cosmos designates you as one who can be emotionally detached and impervious to what others think of you or your politics or religion, motor on as scheduled. And always remember with the best-laid plans there may be a wrinkle or two that have to be amended. You have everything in your bag of tricks to do so.
AQUARIUS OCTOBER HOROSCOPE AND ASTROLOGY PREDICTIONS 2011 (Jan. 21 -Feb. 19)Now that you are done with six months full of solar and lunar eclipses, you can go about rearranging the furniture and see what damage you need to repair. Truth-be-told, as long as you can live outside the nine dots of mediocrity and walk to the zip-a-dee-do-dah of your own band you can live and work anywhere that values personal imprints and ingenuity. Eclipses either derail you or give you momentum for what you are doing and how you are doing it. The real fly in your ointment is that dastardly and deceptive planet, Neptune in Aquarius-the Lunar Eclipse hit that aspect bull's eye on August 15th. Move cautiously for awhile longer.
PISCES OCTOBER HOROSCOPE AND ASTROLOGY PREDICTIONS 2011 (Feb. 20-Mar. 20)When the Harvest Full Moon in Pisces on September 15th conjuncts Uranus get ready for some real shake, rattle and roll in your life. I would think that those of us who resemble this astrological caveat have learned how to live on and survive the San Andreas fault- line we've been living on for umpteen years now. I know my leaner, dreamer, and schemer has been rehabbed to death. Saturn is still opposing us for another year, but we Neptunian types ! still ha ve the sextile in Jupiter for another few months. If you still need to lose pounds and gain financially, stick to an austere program in both health and wealth
About the Author2011 October Horoscope
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