Your Weekly Horoscopes For The Week Of September 19th, 2011
Article by Stuart D Hely
Aries Horoscope. Your plans have suddenly changed but then you were more or less expecting this to happen so you adjust easily. You may have a bit of trouble with your transportation the first part of this week. Be extra careful while driving. Any papers that you sign now are subject to changes or may need additional signatures later. Payments you have made are easily lost or misplaced so hold onto your receipts.
Taurus Horoscope. You will be very busy this month only if you choose to be. Your finances could take a significant upswing and you should be meeting someone very special. It may even be love at first sight for you. You will just know! There is a lot of money to be made now if you play your cards right. Papers signed now may have to be re-signed later or may need additional information or another signature.
Gemini Horoscope. Caution, all the stress you have had to contend with lately only increases this week however next week it all begins to reside. There are factors in your sign that say you should be able to handle whatever responsibilities are thrown your way. The weight of these responsibilities are going to be on your shoulders and will be your responsibility for a total of two years. Read Sagittarius as it applies.
Cancer Horoscope. Monday will bring you a problem that needs to be handled carefully with diplomacy and finesse. You may feel like you want to go head to head but that does not work out well because you become too emotional. A great love affair could start for you within the next week or so. Be sure that your looks are 'top of the line' and first class as it could be love at first sight. Don't 'blow it'! Mechanical breakdowns could plague you now.
Leo Horoscope. You may have lots of extra money in your pocket this month. Some of your well made plans may need changing by the weekend as circumstances suddenly shift. Any papers signed this week will probably need to be revised by you a little later. Mechanical failure will be widespread toward the w! eekend s o expect some small problems. Business affairs are important now and may need your close attention.
Virgo Horoscope. Everything seems to be running smoothly now as you begin to rake in the money. Some of the things that you are doing may have to be revised a bit before you are finished, but that probably just means more money for you at this point. Backup everything you do on your computer for the next week because the weekend may bring about some electrical failures or mechanical problems.
Libra Horoscope. The visitors you are expecting may not arrive after all due to a change in their plans or some problem that was not anticipated. Your own plans will be changing also for the same reasons. You will be concentrating on yourself this month doing all the personal errands, shopping and visiting you have not recently felt like doing. Save your receipts (as always) because payments can be lost next week.
Scorpio Horoscope. If you are not in love by now you should be meeting someone who more than fill the bill and meet your requirements. It could even be love at first sight. Your money situation improves slightly now. Within the next two weeks you have an excellent chance for an engagement or a wedding that would work out just fine. Opportunities are all around you now so keep your eyes and ears open.
Sagittarius Horoscope. The stress you have been experiencing increases again this week but then it begins to ease off gradually by next week. You will have the winter months to regroup and develop a working plan. The fairly new responsibilities you have just received will last for a total of two years so you need to learn how to handle them without going absolutely 'bonkers'. Read Gemini as it also applies to you.
Capricorn Horoscope. You will find that Monday is an especially busy day within a very busy month. A problem will arise that needs your immediate attention. You could meet someone very special now. Between your family duties and him/her, you will be kept hopping for a whil! e. Busin ess also demands some of your close attention now. Papers signed this week may require some additional signatures later.
Aquarius Horoscope. Others are changing their plans this week by postponing meetings or visits which suits you just fine. You cannot be bothered as you have business to take care of this week. A hidden problem comes to light on Monday and requires your prompt attention. Papers that need signing at this point may require some extra attention, but they go through in your favor. Be patient, just wait it out through the delays.
Pisces Horoscope. You will discover a hidden problem on Monday and will bring it to the proper authority's attention for their action. Extra money comes in this week and you know just where and how you will spend it. Your best friend may introduce you to a very intriguing person very shortly. It could be love at first sight! So be sure to look and act your best for the next couple of weeks to make a good first impression.
About the AuthorYour free weekly horoscopes are brought to you by Stuart from, famous provider of your free horoscopes by email and on the internet.
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