Free Weekly Horoscopes For 8th August 2011
Article by Stuart D Hely
Aries Horoscope. You are giving someone a nice surprise on Monday or Tuesday, perhaps it is a different sort of date, or something really unique. You now have several planets sending good luck to you so you need to do something very important to enhance your life style. Make the necessary changes that are needed to smooth out your long trip through life. Make sure you take advantage of these lucky planets.
Taurus Horoscope. I would say that now is not the time for changes. You will have to have the virtue of patience for awhile. September seems to be a good time and you will have better luck. Meanwhile some great opportunities are opening up and if not to your liking, at least you will find the money is good. Be sure of your facts before you spring a surprise on someone this week because it could backfire on you.
Gemini Horoscope. This week may start off as a drag and be a bit depressing but it will improve. You need to have your priorities squared away in your mind. Your resources and funds should improve greatly this year. On Tuesday you may want to surprise someone with perhaps a drive somewhere - a mystery ride? You may find yourself searching for a new home by the end of October of this year.
Cancer Horoscope. You could be dividing your time between your home and a nursing home for awhile as duty calls. If you are looking for work, your best bet is to apply for a government position, either city, state, or federal. Someone near you needs positive reassurance, support, and some extra hugs of love right now. You may find yourself attending a course in gourmet cooking or baking this fall.
Leo Horoscope. Someone is preparing a very nice surprise for you on Monday or Tuesday. Be prepared to go somewhere that is not only a surprise but really unique. The changes you seem to be expecting will not come about until the end of October - be patient. Meanwhile you are headed in the right direction so stick with it. More news about your finances will come to you toward the end o! f this w eek which should make you happy.
Virgo Horoscope. There are several times that you think you are heading down the wrong road but you are really not. Whatever road you started down last year is the straight and narrow and the one for you. Expect a few bumps in that road now and then. You have to look for your own opportunities so put out the word that you are available. Speak to friends and acquaintances if you are looking for work. You will receive their high recommendations.
Libra Horoscope. You will find that your money is a little tight right now but in two weeks this situation will improve slightly. Your best bet for employment is in the teaching profession. You could also go into business for yourself, however you would prefer to go along with a partner. Libra people hate doing anything alone. As an example, you need to invite a friend to go driving or dancing with you this week.
Scorpio Horoscope. As usual you are spending money quite freely when you should be saving some of it. By September you will wish you had saved more when you had the chance during the past summer months. By the middle of this week you will probably find someone needs a bit of your hard earned money or your recent winnings - hopefully it is a loan or you are offering to split some of your winnings with that person.
Sagittarius Horoscope. A family member comes to your rescue mid week just when you need it the most. If you are feeling irritable this week it is because you have too much energy and not putting it to good use. Get busy and you will feel much better. You need some entertainment so call a friend and make plans to solve that problem. In two weeks your money will take an upward turn and be much better.
Capricorn Horoscope. By the middle of this week people are much more likely to listen to you and you are more disposed toward listening to them. Your new partner has some great plans but may need some funds to pursue them properly. A generous family member may be willing to back the two! of you. Your money starts improving by the end of September. The big money is still a year or so away.
Aquarius Horoscope. Be careful this week not to be to be in a unique or different mode. It could be the wrong move and backfire on you. You may want to surprise someone on Monday or Tuesday but keep it low key and not too outrageous. A nice date this week goes very well but may end up in a friendship status rather than a love affair. A family member needs your attention and reassurance. You need to be the aggressor this week.
Pisces Horoscope. You are starting to increase your circle of friends this month. One of your close family members may need a loan this week to solve a problem that he or she has just found. Perhaps this has to do with their transportation. It is not a very good idea to change your job or residence this year. In fact you will need to wait almost two years before you have a successful move in either.
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