The Top 3 Areas That You Need to Master in your Business for Divine Success

Article by Ann P. Bennett

1. Spiritual Laws and Universal PrinciplesIn life as in our business, everything that we do, we want to get to the TRUTH. And in order to become Marketable, you have to Understand "Who you Are".

Most of us think we are our results...I am my job, I am my bank account, I am no one special, I am a Super Star. I am rich, I am poor, I don't have what I want because...If only I didn't lose my job, my car, my, take a minute to write down all the things you think you are on a sheet of paper and how you got that way.

Most of us think we are these things because we were taught what to believe when we were little (1-7 years old). We were taught by Mom and Dad, school, our religious leaders, our communities. None of that is the Truth. It is Beliefs. Beliefs are things that someone told you about a truth for them, the way it is for them...that you decided was the truth (about you, about people, about the world) so you believed it too. The Truth about You is that you are the Center of Your Life. You are the common denominator in all of your situations and relationships and you co-create with The Divine Source Energy. You are nothing and you are everything. Since you are a unique individualization of Source, you have access to all of the same infinite creative power. You are limitless. All the circumstances in your life are not Truths or Real. Most of us are living in the Un-Real or Fantasy world (that we have created ourselves, by what we believe--which is a point of view).

Some of you might be scratching your heads or saying "no way". Well then, you might ask "Why does my life look the way it does?" It looks the way it does because of the belief that you have about yourself, how life is...about money, about relationships. Some of our beliefs are hidden from us. We don't even see them. They are buried deep in your sub-conscious mind. They are blind spots to you. However, the easiest way to see what you really believe, which beliefs limit you and which beliefs empower ! you is t o look at your results. Look at your life and you will instantly see what you believe about money, relationships, Family, love, life, simply everything. It's all there as plain as day. It's your Results. Are you living Abundantly or in Scarcity? There is an old saying, "you either have your reasons, or you have your results"...and either way you are right.2. Success SystemsWe all have developed systems and habits. Most of us developed them to survive instead of thrive. We have systems that don't support us in our success. We know if we got rid of the clutter and chaos in our lives we would without a doubt be focused and we could accomplish our goals with grace and ease. It is so obvious in a beautiful space that is harmonious, you feel great, calm and centered. It's really powerful. It takes a lot less energy and thought when you have systems that support your success. They can be very simple and low tech (as long as you love it) or be all "smart" devices that inter-act and talk to each other in electronic mode. You decide. Make a Decision. That is the most powerful thing you can do for yourself. Make a Decision. Take Action. Put a structure in place to have you Win. Choose one area of your life that doesn't support you and your business success and decide to bring structure and serenity to that area. You can start small in your office. Choose one area there that can really use some love. This can be as easy as making smart folders for your dreaded email box. I know like most of you I have 4 billion emails sitting in my mailbox. I recently hired an assistant to sort it all out and reduce my cluttered mind...aka, my email box. You get the point.

3. Audacious (Inspired) ActionsNow that you know The Sub-Conscious Mind controls Your Success, how can you change that? It is the ultimate control center behind your results. Well, knowing this simply doesn't make a difference. We all "Know" a lot of things. In fact the three most limiting words in the English language are "I Know That". In rea! lity, if you did, you would be practicing it and getting the results you want. Knowing and accumulating Knowledge is the booby prize. Until you apply it to your life, nothing will change. You will get the same old - same old, maybe different or better or even the best. But never a Quantum Leap. Never transforming into a life that is unrecognizable by you. That can only arise from taking Audacious Inspired Action over and over again. Some of you have experienced this and some of you never will. By inspired, I don't mean you are inspired. That would be nice, but sometimes you just have to "do it" anyway. You take inspired action whether you feel like it or not. The Action comes from your Vision and that's what is Inspiring. You have to take the action to get a result. Then you correct and continue - taking the next action. The game I like to play is to "Prove Myself Wrong" at least once a day. Imagine what kind of life / business you would create if you could not fail. Take one action a day to prove your sub-conscious wrong...then you become right about the right things.

About the Author

Ann Bennett is the founder of Irresistible Marketing, author, radio host, seminar leader with over 25 years experience in graphic design, marketing and branding. She teaches marketing and branding for women entrepreneurs (and some cool guys too). She is the co-creator of Womanaire Extraordinaire a women's 3-day business intensive and co-founder of the New York City-based charity, Living Beyond Belief that saves teenagers lives around the issues of HIV/AIDS. Ann is known to the people that work with her as The Creative Genius. Visit Ann at


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