How To Develop Psychic Powers To Communicate
Article by Beth Huliz
Psychic Power is one mysterious topic that has remained unstudied over time. It refers to those special paranormal abilities of man with which one can perceive hidden information from surroundings that others cannot see or perceive otherwise. Along with being confusing it is also a topic which people are quiet frightened of.
Only a few handful, rare individuals have high level of psychic skills though usually most people have such abilities to some extent within.
Psychics have the power of sixth sense, that is, they possess an extra sense beyond the ordinary five sense organs that we all possess. It is with which they see, hear or perceive the paranormal from our surroundings.
While some possesses the psychic powers of precognition and retrocognition, or ability to predict the future and past respectively, others can see spirits and other energy forms which cannot be seen otherwise.
Psychic people have been given numerous names since the ancient days. These names are - fortuneteller, soothsayer, wise man, spiritualist, mentalist and the like.
Countless pretensions by fraud individuals have added fuel to the fire of controversy which already existed around this subject.
Is there really any need for such pretensions? Each and every one of us possesses such psychic abilities which lie dormant within. All we have to do is to tap into and develop the same so that they can be used when the need arises.
Once you are ready to start this journey of self discovery, the first thing you need to learn is how to balance your emotions, spirit and mind through meditation.
True psychics are adept at cleansing their minds of all negative thoughts and emotions and keeping them open in order to receive the energies and vibes from both the known and the unknown elements from our surroundings.
Once you start meditating and practicing your psychic powers regularly, you will see the difference. You will suddenly come alive and feel the emotions of happiness and under! standing and creativity bursting from you.
Schedule your daily routine and put in at least thirty minutes of meditation daily. This is the best way to remove all negativity from your mind and surroundings.
Find yourself a calm spot where you have minimal chances of getting disturbed. This place can be in your home, in a park or even in a cave but it must be a peaceful spot where you can concentrate without getting interrupted.
Begin by focusing on the feeling and emotions that flow through your body during meditation and learn how to avoid negative thoughts by deep breathing techniques and focused concentration.
The more you practice, the better you get with time. You shall become aware of the natural vibrations and the different kinds of energies present in the world around you. Remember, that you need to attune yourself to the universally connecting energy that binds us all for developing your psychic abilities to their fullest potential.
The more you practise the stronger your powers will become. You could try palmistry or give tarot readings. Start with your own circle of family and friends. Bear in mind that your reading can only be as good as the person you are giving the reading to. They must be open minded and willing to accept the psychic communication.
The best way to develop psychic abilities is with daily practice. Meditate and develop your skills to assess the aura that surrounds an individual. With time you will find yourself being able to discern the colour and size of each person's aura without requiring intense meditation.
True intentions of people are something that you will come to know with one look at their auras. Moreover, things like illnesses, etc can be detected from te same which the individual himself might not be aware of.
As you grow as a psychic you will now be able to see events that have taken place in the past and will take place in the future. Make sure you keep working hard so that you can channelize these powers on command.
The psy chic ability to communicate with the departed souls has always been a topic of both controversy and fascination. Infact, children are thought to be adept as such capabilities.
Since childhood we are taught to fear the unknown and hence children are mentally more open and stronger than adults. Adults have to again bring down their defenses and relearn that the unseen is not to be feared.
What works in the case of the children is the mere open approach of them towards anything that they do not understand otherwise. Thus, instead of tuning out a spirit's voice, they will try communicating back till such time that an adult interferes and forces the child to create defenses against the unknown.
So take a lesson from the children and open up your minds freeing it from all such preconceived notions of spirits and the unseen. If you can remove the fear and negative feelings, it will be much simpler to connect with the different forms of energies that exist in the universe.
The ability that we are born with and the amount we block out are the important factors in case of this true natural phenomenon.
If you can spare some time and effort on yourself, you can strengthen your inner gifts and talents and make the world a better place to live in.
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